When The World Is Disheartening
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Hey Friends,
I started to write this as one of my letters that I include in my email but it just kinda grew and became a post for this section of my blog.
If you are even remotely feeling the same thing I am feeling these days, you have noticed how terribly disheartening our world is. I’m not finding myself longing for the days of our founding fathers (although no matter how many times historians re-write history, I still hold to the truth of them being better men than what we turn out today), but I also find myself longing for the character of men just twenty years ago, ten years ago, heck, last year. I miss character, I miss kindness, I miss people knowing that how they acted when they were anonymous is their true selves, I miss honor, manners, integrity, commitment. I miss self sacrifice for the benefit of loved ones. I miss essential value of life. I miss respect. I miss intelligent discussion rather than offense at any opinion that differs from our own. I miss the kind of pride that caused a person to work as hard as he or she could as a matter of principle.
This is the time when members of “the greatest generation” are beginning to pass away. I read a comment the other day that said “My generation is leaving this world and I don’t see anyone stepping up to fill their shoes.” This is so very true, and speaking of shoes…
I miss boot straps. Those things that our country used to pull itself up by. Now it seems all of our boots are decorative and replaced because they go out of style rather than the soles being worn through.
I miss self discipline. Denying yourself things because you knew it would hurt someone dear, and refusing instant gratification for long term better good and more lasting rewards. I miss accountability. People who take responsibility for their own actions rather than placing blame wherever they can make it stick. Folks big enough to say “I messed up. I’m sorry. This is all on me.” People that are made big by their character rather than their forced and calculated outrageousness.
I promise, these things existed in greater number in previous days and still exist today. I just want to stress that in case you start thinking you imagined it or “idealized” it into existence though the lens of nostalgia.
Today I’m listening to Rich Mullins, his album entitled “Songs”, which came out in 1995. It has some of my favorites on it. Awesome God, Sometimes By Step, Creed, If I Stand…
They’re all hitting home for me today. Because I am disheartened with the world and in being so I know that something is right within my soul, and that is not my own self righteousness, but His spirit living within me. Because when I look at this world and I feel the disappointment, pain, injustice of it all, I turn immediately to Him and I know there is a better way. And I see how it can be, should be, and who I am called to be. And when I look around at the world around me and feel like a stranger in a strange land – I know why.
Because this world is not my home and I was never called to settle in and be comfortable in it as if it was my final destination. I am just passing through. But while I am here, I’ve got a job to do, and that job involves being a vessel for His light to shine through. In that respect, I guess the darkness makes my job a little bit easier.
But no matter how dark it gets, when I look to the Son, I’m still blinded by the light of a glorious future.
If I Stand
~Rich Mullins
There’s more that rises in the morning
Than the sun
And more that shines in the night
Than just the moon
It’s more than just this fire here
That keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger
Than this room
And there’s a loyalty that’s deeper
Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs
That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes
For the allegiance
I owe only to the giver
Of all good things
So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can’t, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
There’s more that dances on the prairies
Than the wind
More that pulses in the ocean
Than the tide
There’s a love that is fiercer
Than the love between friends
More gentle than a mother’s
When her baby’s at her side
And there’s a loyalty that’s deeper
Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs
That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes
For the allegence
I owe only to the Giver
Of all good things
So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can’t, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
What a beautiful and timely reminder. Thanks so much.
Thank you for taking the time and care to get that down so beautifully, Christy.
It’s hard for me to remember sometimes that God has a plan, and He’s got us. But these are just the sorts of times you’re supposed to remember that most, aren’t they?
Thank you so much, Bo. That means a great deal coming from someone I know both in and outside of the internet. And you are so right. Just when we are discouraged the most, we should be looking to him the most. How often have I had to remind myself to do that after long droughts of doing the opposite? So grateful for the persistent grace He showers down on me – and believe me, He has had to put up with an awful lot from my direction!
Now very true ✝. Enjoy you so much Christy
Thank you so much, M.J. Have a blessed evening.
Thank you! Good thoughts!
Thank you for reading, Linda. I sure appreciate it.
If I had the ability to write what you wrote, I would. But since God gave you that talent, I’ll just say thank you. Am glad to know I’m not the only one that thinks history books today don’t resemble what we learned in school. The only other thing I have to say is that my mother would not allow me to use the word hate. Today it shows up on a regular bases when someone disagrees with some other person views. Lord help us all.
Thank you so much for your kindness and encouragement. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone, too. And I agree with you and your mother’s wisdom. You are so very right.
Thank you so much Christy! Of late, I have been feeling kinda out of sorts and down, and now, having read this I know why.
Without all of the boring details, recently I was exiting a store, saw a woman heading for the door, and waited while holding the door for her. Like I was taught growing up.
She proceeded to accuse me of not thinking she knew how to operate a door, being insensitive, and a jerk. (Among other words and phrases I would never write here). I still can’t understand her attitude over a simple, harmless gesture like holding a door.
This all started me thinking about how I miss common courtesy, respect for others, and a myriad of “the good old days”. Mostly, people being appreciative of the simplest of things.
You stated, almost exactly what I’ve been thinking.
Thank you so much. At least now I know it’s not just me.
Have a blessed day.
I needed this today. We recently lost a dear elderly neighbor who we learned so much from and respected so much. He had spent the last several years taking care of his wife who has dementia. He never complained and always had a smile. It seemed there was nothing more important to him and it was a job he loved doing. In this day of our disposable society it was so heartwarming to see their true love and commitment. Tomorrow his wife is being moved into a facility where she will receive the care she needs. It feels like we are losing him all over again. We were just kids when we moved into our older neighborhood 30 years ago. We grew up loving, respecting and learning from our older neighbors. As younger people are moving into the neighborhood they don’t even look up from their texting to speak to their neighbors. It’s so sad to see the lack of communication or concern for others. I miss our “older generation” and all they stood for.
Oh my goodness, Miss Teresa, I’m so sorry for your loss but I am so grateful that your neighbor had the joy in his life of your precious family. Transitions are never easy in life, but when we find ourselves at this place where so much of what was once valued is ridiculed, cast aside, or completely ignored, it can be heartbreaking. I’m so grateful we’ve had the opportunity to know such amazing people and we can tell about the lives they led to future generations.
Thank you! Exactly how I have been feeling. What has happened to “us”? I don’t know that I am proud to be an American, especially if you judge me by the actions of the leaders of our country. I keep reminding myself of something my sunday school teacher told us, I can’t remember who she quoted, but it was something to this effect….. ” if you hear that I have died, don’t believe it, I have just begun to live!” I feel sorry for the youth of the world and the condition we are leaving it in. Hopefully the pendalum will swing back the other way and we will return to the God fearing nation we once were.