When The World Is Disheartening
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Hey Friends,
I started to write this as one of my letters that I include in my email but it just kinda grew and became a post for this section of my blog.
If you are even remotely feeling the same thing I am feeling these days, you have noticed how terribly disheartening our world is. I’m not finding myself longing for the days of our founding fathers (although no matter how many times historians re-write history, I still hold to the truth of them being better men than what we turn out today), but I also find myself longing for the character of men just twenty years ago, ten years ago, heck, last year. I miss character, I miss kindness, I miss people knowing that how they acted when they were anonymous is their true selves, I miss honor, manners, integrity, commitment. I miss self sacrifice for the benefit of loved ones. I miss essential value of life. I miss respect. I miss intelligent discussion rather than offense at any opinion that differs from our own. I miss the kind of pride that caused a person to work as hard as he or she could as a matter of principle.
This is the time when members of “the greatest generation” are beginning to pass away. I read a comment the other day that said “My generation is leaving this world and I don’t see anyone stepping up to fill their shoes.” This is so very true, and speaking of shoes…
I miss boot straps. Those things that our country used to pull itself up by. Now it seems all of our boots are decorative and replaced because they go out of style rather than the soles being worn through.
I miss self discipline. Denying yourself things because you knew it would hurt someone dear, and refusing instant gratification for long term better good and more lasting rewards. I miss accountability. People who take responsibility for their own actions rather than placing blame wherever they can make it stick. Folks big enough to say “I messed up. I’m sorry. This is all on me.” People that are made big by their character rather than their forced and calculated outrageousness.
I promise, these things existed in greater number in previous days and still exist today. I just want to stress that in case you start thinking you imagined it or “idealized” it into existence though the lens of nostalgia.
Today I’m listening to Rich Mullins, his album entitled “Songs”, which came out in 1995. It has some of my favorites on it. Awesome God, Sometimes By Step, Creed, If I Stand…
They’re all hitting home for me today. Because I am disheartened with the world and in being so I know that something is right within my soul, and that is not my own self righteousness, but His spirit living within me. Because when I look at this world and I feel the disappointment, pain, injustice of it all, I turn immediately to Him and I know there is a better way. And I see how it can be, should be, and who I am called to be. And when I look around at the world around me and feel like a stranger in a strange land – I know why.
Because this world is not my home and I was never called to settle in and be comfortable in it as if it was my final destination. I am just passing through. But while I am here, I’ve got a job to do, and that job involves being a vessel for His light to shine through. In that respect, I guess the darkness makes my job a little bit easier.
But no matter how dark it gets, when I look to the Son, I’m still blinded by the light of a glorious future.
If I Stand
~Rich Mullins
There’s more that rises in the morning
Than the sun
And more that shines in the night
Than just the moon
It’s more than just this fire here
That keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger
Than this room
And there’s a loyalty that’s deeper
Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs
That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes
For the allegiance
I owe only to the giver
Of all good things
So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can’t, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
There’s more that dances on the prairies
Than the wind
More that pulses in the ocean
Than the tide
There’s a love that is fiercer
Than the love between friends
More gentle than a mother’s
When her baby’s at her side
And there’s a loyalty that’s deeper
Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs
That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes
For the allegence
I owe only to the Giver
Of all good things
So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can’t, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home
Oh Christy,
I think you speak the heart of many true followers of Christ. As we were reminded a few days ago….It is finished. I try to remind myself of that when I’m so disheartened with this messy world.
Like Annette said, the recipes are great, but the fellowship of your thoughts is so special.
That was fine writing. Thanks.
Well said Christy. Thank you!
And that is why it is among one of my greatest honors and joys to know you and call you friend. Thank you for who you are, Christy. Thank you also for sharing your thoughts so elegantly.
PS: I have that CD downloaded to my phone. I just turned it on and will be thinking of you while I finish working tonight while listening to all my Rich Mullins’ songs.
~ Maralee
Maralee, I love you so much. God just brought a continual gift into my life and the lives of my entire family when He introduced us to you and yours.
You captured my exact sentiment too!
I’m 59, soon to be 60, and I find myself daydreaming about my life as a child.
The town I grew up in was a lot like Mayberry. My grandparents lived about 2 blocks from the center and I could walk wherever I wanted when I was a kid.
Can you even imagine a child walking anyplace without an adult any more???
I’m just glad we live in the country and can insulate ourselves to a certain extent.
Looking forward to my “forever home”
God Bless
I’m so glad you have a place out in the country. It does afford a great deal of peace, I believe. I’m so grateful I was able to really know and be close to my grandparents, enough to see their values in action and learn them firsthand.
When I was a girl I never understood it when old folks would say they wish Jesus would hurry up and come back. Now, I totally get it. Some days I turn on the news and just say “Jesus, come quick!”.
Bless you too, Pamela, and thank you.
You seem to have taken So many of your thoughts from my head and heart. I bless the day I found this platform. The recipes are lovely but when your heart shines through as it does in today’s post it fills me with gratitude. Many thanks.
Oh goodness, Annette, you are a tremendous blessing to me. Thank you so very much.
Thank you…
Thank you for reading, Jed. Hope you have an encouraging week. 🙂
So beautifully said.
Thank you!
Thank you Christy. I agree with everything that you said. With 13 grandkids and 5 greats I wish they could have experienced the way the world used to be. We have to put our faith in our Lord and Savior and know that He is in charge and not the evil in this world. Thank you for your blog. I treasure your recipes and use them often, but even more I treasure your heartfelt comments and encouragement to young and old. Bless you.
This world is truly falling apart. Did you know, though, that it is bible prophecy being fulfilled? 2 Timothy 3: 1-5 speaks of a world that is in critical condition, full of selfishness; it’s filled with people who are not open to agreement, and lack natural affection and humility. With that prophecy comes another prophesy, one in which an end isvput to this behavior.
Thank you so much for speaking from your heart, I am 76 years old so I remember when life was so much simpler than now and most people had respect for others. not so much anymore. I do not know how things got like they are but I do know God still looks after all of us and cares for us.
Amen. It’s easy to become discouraged when we focus a little too much on what’s happening now, but another way to view the current world situation is that we are privileged to be living in the last days when we see the Lord bringing history to a conclusion. We can see it happening before our very eyes. God’s eternal kingdom isn’t far off!!
Absolutely correct!!!! Every word you said is so absolutely true!!! When I was a little girl of about 4 or 5 yrs. old I was looking up into the sky one beautiful sunny day. Evidently I had just heard about Jesus Christ returning through those clouds to come get us from Sunday School or Vacation Bible School because I remember thinking to myself that Jesus would one day come through those fluffy clouds. As I thought this “something” inside me said “and you will see me coming!” As a child I just heard it, believed it and then on outside to play.
My whole life I’ve never forgotten that and really never had a desire to tell anyone. Well, as these last few years have revealed to our generation the exact prophesy in the Bible of His soon return, I am 69 yrs. old so I KNOW that we are in the last days.
I’ve told my experience a few times to fellow Christians in the last few years – don’t get much of a reaction ….. so I thought I’d share it with you since you are definitely on the same page. Thank you. – oh, my name is Judy also.
Love Rich Mullins. I listen to Fernando Ortega when I need comfort. Love your postings, recipes and ministry. Keep up the good work.
Love Rich Mullins. I listen to Fernando Ortega when I need comfort. Love your postings, recipes and ministry. Keep up the good work.