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southern plate

French Dip Sandwiches Recipe (With a Twist!)

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What You Need to Make French Dip Sandwiches

– Italian bread – Butter – Au Jus gravy mix – Roast beef – Provolone cheese

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Place butter, 1 tablespoon of Au Jus mix, seasonings, and Worcestershire sauce in a bowl and stir until well blended.


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Line baking sheet with foil. Set bread in the middle and slice into 3/4 inch slices without cutting through. Add butter mixture in between each cut of bread.


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Place a folded piece of roast beef and 1/2 piece of provolone cheese between every other cut of the bread. Wrap with foil and bake.


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While the sandwiches are in the oven, make your sauce. Bring to a boil, stirring often, and then bring it down to a simmer to thicken a bit until the bread is done. Enjoy! 


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