Tacky The Penguin – Story Time Video
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Tacky was an odd little bird, but he was just who they needed!
You might want to turn this down when Tacky speaks 🙂
Tacky The Penguin
by Helen Lester
For more information on this book, click the cover below. Scroll down for more story time videos!
I loved your read aloud! Have you done Stephanie’s Ponytail? It is by Robert Munsch. It is our classes favorite book!! When I read it I try to use a southern accent like yours for the mom’s voice! haha 🙂
I teach 1st grade and my students loved loved loved this book. They interacted with you the enire time.
My students are requesting that you read Tattle Toungue. 🙂
Love the story. Thanks for reading to us. Clara and Grandma