Splenda Cream Cheese Pie

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This Splenda Cream Cheese Pie is another one of those recipes that I’m tempted not to even show you because it is just too simple – but those are often the recipes y’all end up loving the most! I love that we have that in common. 🙂  I make this pie with Splenda for a nice light treat, but you can use sugar if you prefer. It only takes minutes to make from start to finish and its delicious on it’s own or topped with fresh berries.

The crazy thing is, with all of the elaborate and more involved desserts I make from time to time, this one remains my husband’s favorite. In the old days, I used to be able to make this and have it last a few days but now that my son and daughter have decided they love it as much as my husband does, I’m doing good if it lasts one day.

To see what was left of this pie the morning after I made it, check out the bottom of this post 🙂

You’ll need: A graham crust, Splenda (I’m using generic) or sugar, light whipped topping*, cream cheese at room temp (check out our recipe for easy-peasy homemade cream cheese), and fresh berries (optional).

*I’m using generic Splenda and whipped topping because it saved me a few dollars to do so. However, if you really need or want to spend extra money, feel free to use name brand. Whatever cranks yer tractor.

Not pictured is lemon juice. I sometimes add a tablespoon of bottled lemon juice to this pie, depending on if I think about it or not. It’s a wonderful addition but totally up to you and good either way!

Place cream cheese and splenda in a bowl.

Make sure your cream cheese is room temp or it won’t get creamy.

Mix that with an electric mixer until well combined.

Toss in your whipped topping.

Mix that up again until well mixed, about a minute or two.

Spread into a graham cracker crust.

Cover this and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Serve on it’s own or topped with fresh berries and more whipped topping.

 So the next day, I thought I’d have a slice of the pie. I figured there would be about half a pie left, but when I went to the fridge I found a teeny tiny sliver and sent the following text to my husband:

Light Cream Cheese Pie

This Splenda Cream Cheese Pie is a nice light treat, only takes minutes to make and its delicious on it's own or topped with fresh berries!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: cheese, pie
Servings: 4
Calories: 483kcal


  • 8 ounces cream cheese at room temp
  • 1/2 cup Splenda or Sugar
  • 1 Tablespoon lemon juice optional
  • 8 ounces light whipped topping
  • 1 graham crust


  • In medium mixing bowl, place splenda or sugar, cream cheese, and lemon juice (if using). Beat together with electric mixer until smooth and well combined.
  • Add cool whip and mix until fluffy and well combined.
  • Spread into pie crust, cover and refrigerate for several hours.
  • Serve on it's own or topped with fresh berries and whipped cream.

To freeze, seal well and store in freezer for up to three months.


    Calories: 483kcal
    Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!

    “Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”

    ~Margaret Shepard

    Submitted by Jackie, thanks so much Jackie!

    Mama and I had a wonderful time this past weekend in Nashville. To see photos from our trip (and some of the fun antiques we found), click here to visit my instagram page 


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    1. I have made this pie many times with great results. My husband and I are eating low carb, so I have made this into a pudding rather than pie. I have added coco, baking kind, peanut butter and sugar free puddings, and each time it has come out awesome. Next time I will add some strawberries to the mix. Thanks for turning me onto this recipe.

    2. I know I have sent you a comment about this delicious recipe before, but after having it for dinner again tonight, I just had to say it again! It is such a delicious pie and so wonderful to have in the freezer to pull out whenever. I make it in individual little pies with the graham cracker crust and they are just perfect, especially since my husband and I are the only ones left at home. Thanks again for sharing this simple but delicious recipe!!!!

    3. Made this much-too-wonderful pie twice lately. First time with a granola crust, regular Cool Whip and topped with canned pineapple. It was marvelous! Second time with graham crust, Tru Whip and topped with sliced fresh strawberries. It was marvelous also! We can certainly see why it’s Ricky’s favorite. Thanks for sharing such a delicious, easy recipe!

    4. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to he man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt

        1. I made this today Christy. It was very good! Hubby loved it as did our neighbor. I’ll be making this often. Good n quick n easy. Thanks!

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