Sock Monster’s Redemption – a Fun Mail Idea!

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Hey friends! Last week I had a fun idea and developed a narrative of a sock monster who wanted to redeem himself. I went shopping and picked up some socks in fun patterns, printed off a few copies of the letter below, and shipped out my little packages anonymously to some of my young (and not so young) friends as a fun little surprise. Everyone loved their packages, especially the teenagers (didn’t see that coming)!

So I thought I’d share the letter with you in case you had anyone who could use a little surprise in their mailbox. For inspiration, I sent socks to my mother, two of my friends who live out of state, all of my nephews and nieces, and some other young friends I have in our fellowship group.

Note: If sending without a return address, make sure you give parents a heads up!

Click the photo below to open up your copy of the letter to print!

Click here to open up the Sock Monster Redemption Letter so you can print out copies

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  1. Sweet idea! It could tie in with Down Syndrome Day on March 21st, when people wear their funniest mismatched socks, including the students at my school. I wonder where I could find 24 pairs of wild socks to give out with your story, and have the my third graders trade one sock so their socks would be mismatched? Oh, I’d better get busy! Thanks for the idea! Fran from Northern Delaware, a longtime fan =^..^=

  2. It is a real blessing being your friend Christy. Your recipes are awesome, your ideas are just so fun. Keep putting a smile on my face and everyone else who knows you !! We all love you !

  3. I just love the sock monster idea!! i have printed the letter off and already have several in mind to share socks with. Everyone please remember those who arent able to get out much, this would be a great happy for them!

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