Give A Penny, Get A Penny
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Give A Penny, Get A Penny
Most gas stations in the South have little change dishes by the register. If you’re paying for a transaction and need an extra penny or two, you simply take one from the dish. People then reciprocate this good turn by dropping a few coins in the dish from time to time, thereby creating a community bank of sorts, based on goodwill.
So in that spirit, this is Southern Plate’s “Give A Penny, Get A Penny” page.” I dearly love positive quotes and am always scouring the web for more so I thought this would be a great place to compile all of those. I’ll post mine, you post yours, and we can all “Give A Penny” when we have one and come back to “Get A Penny” when we need one.
I’ll also draw from these quotes to include at the bottom of my posts and emails that I send out to Southern Plate readers and be sure to credit the person who provided it, so include a link to your blog if you have one.
I would consider it a personal favor if you’d take the time to share a quote of motivation or positivity in the comments section below. Quote yourself, your Mama, someone famous, or our best friend “Anonymous”, it doesn’t matter, long as you drop your penny and then come back on one of those days when you feel like you might need one yourself.
An Owl in a Sack Bothers No Man. Ben Franklin, 1772
We all have happiness within us, so what is keeping you from being happy?
Christy- OMGosh- The most terrible thing has just happened to me!! I needed a recipe for something- came to your site- and would you believe- you dont have a single recipe for it? That has NEVER happened to me!! E-V-E-R!!!!!! Not in all the years I’ve been following you!!!
The item in question is….. Fried Chicken Livers. Beautifully seasoned and fried a deep crispy golden brown.
Would you… Could you…. please add this to your collection and show us how it’s done properly??
xxx Sunny
I am so sorry, there are still so many recipes I have yet to get to Sunny! Hopefully one day I will get to them all, until then I hope you can forgive me and find some others you love 🙂
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It tives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.
Oops! Should be “…gives you something to do.” Oh, well . . . I won’t worry about it.
“Every moment in your life carries infinite
Possibilities, just waiting to be discovered.
Like a vine finding its way through the
Slightest opening of the rock-solid walls. . .
SO WILL YOU !!!!! ”
Always have faith in yourself & NEVER , EVER give up. Let hope shine in your life like the stars in the darkness of the night sky.
“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift: that’s why they call it the present.”
Eleanor Roosevelt
No man is so ignorant as he who knows not…..and knows not ……that he knows not.
Quote by ??
My brother was a very wise man & read constantly all his life. He had a lot of quotes that he lived by & yours reminded me of one of his very favorites. His went this way:
“He who knows not and knows not
That he knows not is a fool ; shun him.
He who knows not and knows that
He knows not is a child; teach him.
He who knows and knows not that
He knows is asleep; wake him.
He who knows and knows that
He knows is Wise ……. Follow Him.”
This makes a lot of sense if you stop & think about it. I learned a lot from my brother and though he’s no longer with me here on this Earth……his wisdom is still with me and I thank God for him everyday and for his love and kindness……He was a True Southern Gentleman.