Orange Juice Special

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My family loves smoothies. Our reigning favorite is still the Bananarita Breakfast Smoothie, but this one holds a close second. The hubster says it tastes like one of the old Orange Julius but  I think it tastes more like a Dreamsicle to me. Concentrated orange juice is the secret to that burst of flavor while the milk and vanilla make it nice and creamy. Although Ricky and I disagreed on what it tastes like most, we both agree that it is worth repeating whenever we get a chance!

I’m working on getting my tour dates ready to announce as well as several other big announcements. Since we’re in the home stretch leading up to the book release, I’ll be doing an update post about once a week to let you know something new and exciting that is going on for the Southern Plate Family. I can’t wait to “give” you all of the surprises we have in store over the next few weeks, including some REALLY big ones! ~squeal~

In the meantime, while I work on the back end of things, get in there and make your family a smoothie :). Love you all. Gratefully, Christy

You’ll need: Frozen orange juice concentrate (still frozen), milk, vanilla, and sugar. I am using Ideal Sweetener* in place of the sugar. You can use real sugar or your favorite substitute.

*Ideal is a natural sugar substitute that can be baked with just like sugar. I’ve fallen in love. Lots of local grocery stores carry it but none of the ones near me. You can order it off of though. I dearly dearly love it in my iced tea.

Place your frozen orange juice concentrate in a blender.

Pour in your milk.

Add your vanilla

And your sugar or sugar substitute.

Note: there is still a lot of natural sugar in that orange juice but this does cut matters somewhat.


(I just felt like yelling that)

Serve in a glass over ice if you like. This makes about four.

Orange Juice Special

  • 1 Cup of frozen orange juice concentrate
  • 1 Cup Milk (I used whole)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla (give or take, I eyeball it)
  • 1/2 Cup sugar (more to taste if you like)

Place all ingredients in blender and mix until frothy. Pour over ice to serve. Makes about four.

Orange Juice Special

The hubster says it tastes like one of the old Orange Julius but  I think it tastes more like a Dreamsicle to me. Concentrated orange juice is the secret to that burst of flavor while the milk and vanilla make it nice and creamy.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American
Keyword: orange
Servings: 4
Calories: 50kcal


  • 1 Cup of frozen orange juice concentrate
  • 1 Cup Milk I used whole
  • 1 tsp Vanilla give or take, I eyeball it
  • 1/2 Cup sugar more to taste if you like


  • Place all ingredients in blender and mix until frothy. Pour over ice to serve. Makes about four.


Calories: 50kcal
Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!

To handle yourself ,use your head

To handle others use, your heart.

~Donald Laird

Submitted by Elaine Raye. Thank you to everyone who submits quotes! I love waking up to the bits of inspiration y’all leave for us all there. To submit your quote please click here.

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  1. Still thinking of th epineapple/orange and maybe a splash of coconut milk. I feel like I am in the Bahamas!

  2. How refreshing. I think frozen pineapple concentrate would be great two or maybe even a combination. recipes are only limited by your imagination.

  3. I made a dreamsicle float the other night with orange crush, cream soda and vanilla ice cream. Was pretty good. This sounds a bit better for me lol.

    Ok.. Gotta go..I got a dog to kill since it just ate the electric cord off my vintage Coca Cola clock.

    1. Howdy Bill! Is the dog still breathin’? I feel sorry for your clock, too! Now if it had been a vintage Pepsi clock…maybe not so much…LOL.

  4. I never would have thought to blend orange juice. My go-to smoothie is banana, natural yoghurt and some honey blitzed with milk.

    Looking forward to hearing more about the book. How much of the book will include new recipes that you have not posted on SP? And does your tour include a pit stop this side of the world? 😉

    1. Hey Su! There are a lot of new recipes in the book which I plan on keeping exclusive (not posting here) as well as new stories (tons of those) and such, too!

      I really really need to do an Australian book tour, doncha think?


  5. Hey Christy

    Tell Ricky his taster buds are a little off – definitely tastes like a Dreamsicle…lol. my Mom used to make these for us with ice cream and a splash of milk. TGIFriday’s makes theirs with a splash of vodka — but you can drink more of them if you leave out the vodka.

    Thanks so much and I sure hope you are coming to St. Louis on your tour – lots of fans in the midwest!! 🙂

    1. You know, Judy, I’ve noticed he is a bit off in many things. but he has such good taste in women that I let the rest slide 🙂
      I’ve never been to St Louis! would love to go!

      1. Yes definitely come to St Louis if you can, I’m 1.5 hours away and will make a special trip there to see you!!

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