Nestle Giveaway $100 Visa Gift Card and Basket Of Stocking Stuffers

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This contest is now closed. Congratulations to Patti Keil for winning. I’ve sent her an email with information on how to claim her prize. I do hope you’ll take time to read the comments if you can, I know you’ll be as moved as I was.

Merry Christmas!

I’ve enjoyed being a part of the Nestle Holiday Exchange and am happy to bring you one more giveaway courtesy of Nestle and Southern Plate. Today’s giveaway is a quickie, though, so enter now if you want a chance because I’ll be drawing a winner this evening at 8:00 PM Central tonight (toldya it was a quickie!).

Nestlé Family Holiday Exchange

Southern Plate 24/7 Moms Oh Amanda

Today we’re giving away a basket filled with stocking stuffers, including Wonka Fun Dip Books and a Crunch/Paul Frank Gift Basket! We’re also giving away a $100 Visa Gift Card!

To enter, join in the conversation about what is on your Christmas wish list this year.

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought, trying to come up with what I’d really like most of all. We have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and two healthy kids so there really isn’t a whole lot more to ask for. On the selfish side, I have some pots and pans that I love, two cats that are extra cuddly, and a dog that is so devoted the kids refer to her as “Mama’s Shadow”.

But it IS Christmas after all and I really should come up with something I’d like to have so here goes…

I’d like to pick up a few more school papers and find these on the back of them.

I’d like to enjoy more grins, chuckles, and silly jokes from these two little critters.

I might even like to get gussied up a time or two more and go out with this critter…

I’d like another year filled with good food and folks to share them with.

But most of all, I want another year of a whole lot of this.


…and a new hair dryer.  Hey, I do have SOME material needs ~winks~

To enter this giveaway, tell me what you have on your

Christmas wish list this year in the comments section below.

I’ll choose one winner at random tonight at 8:00 PM Central and announce here and on facebook so you can get back with us and your prize package can go out as soon as possible.

Leave a comment below and good luck!

Disclaimer: I have partnered with Nestle Family to be a part of this Holiday Exchange series of blog posts. I have not been paid for a positive opinion and all opinions expressed within this post are my own. I haven’t left the house without makeup since I was in third grade and my hair requires enough product to sink a ship just to look like it isn’t clinging to my head for dear life. Oh, and I’ve broken both my pinky toes so many times I can no longer move them. ~takes a deep breath and smiles in satisfaction~. I feel all disclosed now. Good Luck!

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  1. I wish for my hubby to get a job he truly enjoys. We are very thankful for the one he has but it is so stressful and he works late alot. I’m thankful for my healthy kids and wish for continued health for us all and all of you as well. I wish everyone new the joy of Christ in their heart. Merry Christmas!

  2. My biggest wish is for needs to be met for a wonderful charity in Jefferson County, Ga called ” By His Hand Ministries”. There is a bg need there in part of the county with over 45 % poverty level
    Ny own little wish is for a new robe and some books.

  3. After 10 years of fighting illness and then finding out I need to eat gluten free, I wish for a passel of gluten free recipes to replace all of the wheat-recipes I used to have. And I hope that my husband will survive all the changes that have been made over the past 4 months and will continue from here on out.

  4. On my list…..enjoy my family and my new career.
    Hot water machine, earrings, and a full recovery
    For my dad.

  5. My Christmas wish is for the economy to improve so that there won’t be so many needy folks next Christmas. My heart aches for all those less fortunate this year and I just want those who are able to be gainfully emplyed to find a soul satisfying job!

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