Nestle Giveaway $100 Visa Gift Card and Basket Of Stocking Stuffers

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This contest is now closed. Congratulations to Patti Keil for winning. I’ve sent her an email with information on how to claim her prize. I do hope you’ll take time to read the comments if you can, I know you’ll be as moved as I was.

Merry Christmas!

I’ve enjoyed being a part of the Nestle Holiday Exchange and am happy to bring you one more giveaway courtesy of Nestle and Southern Plate. Today’s giveaway is a quickie, though, so enter now if you want a chance because I’ll be drawing a winner this evening at 8:00 PM Central tonight (toldya it was a quickie!).

Nestlé Family Holiday Exchange

Southern Plate 24/7 Moms Oh Amanda

Today we’re giving away a basket filled with stocking stuffers, including Wonka Fun Dip Books and a Crunch/Paul Frank Gift Basket! We’re also giving away a $100 Visa Gift Card!

To enter, join in the conversation about what is on your Christmas wish list this year.

I’ve been giving this a lot of thought, trying to come up with what I’d really like most of all. We have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and two healthy kids so there really isn’t a whole lot more to ask for. On the selfish side, I have some pots and pans that I love, two cats that are extra cuddly, and a dog that is so devoted the kids refer to her as “Mama’s Shadow”.

But it IS Christmas after all and I really should come up with something I’d like to have so here goes…

I’d like to pick up a few more school papers and find these on the back of them.

I’d like to enjoy more grins, chuckles, and silly jokes from these two little critters.

I might even like to get gussied up a time or two more and go out with this critter…

I’d like another year filled with good food and folks to share them with.

But most of all, I want another year of a whole lot of this.


…and a new hair dryer.  Hey, I do have SOME material needs ~winks~

To enter this giveaway, tell me what you have on your

Christmas wish list this year in the comments section below.

I’ll choose one winner at random tonight at 8:00 PM Central and announce here and on facebook so you can get back with us and your prize package can go out as soon as possible.

Leave a comment below and good luck!

Disclaimer: I have partnered with Nestle Family to be a part of this Holiday Exchange series of blog posts. I have not been paid for a positive opinion and all opinions expressed within this post are my own. I haven’t left the house without makeup since I was in third grade and my hair requires enough product to sink a ship just to look like it isn’t clinging to my head for dear life. Oh, and I’ve broken both my pinky toes so many times I can no longer move them. ~takes a deep breath and smiles in satisfaction~. I feel all disclosed now. Good Luck!

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  1. I want to finish P90X! I’m on week 2! I want to see the biggest smile on my 3yr olds face when he comes down the stairs Christmas morning. I also want to find the Kat Von D eyeliner in my stocking:)

  2. My family has been fortunate this year, so my wish is for health and happiness, and maybe a night of nothing but good news on the news programs. 🙂

  3. My husband and I are not buying for each other this year… we get more joy out of buying for our children…plus there’s nothing that we need! We have each other! If I won this it would go to a single mom that I know who could use this!

  4. First and foremost, I wish for the continued health and happiness of my family! Then on to material things, I had your book on my wish list and (cough…cough) I made sure that Santa will be bringing me “Southern Plate”, so…I can’t wait to curl up on the couch with your book and a cup of hot chocolate after Christmas!

  5. I am wishing for more happiness than I had this year. Thankful for what I had but could definitely use more.

    Merry Christmas!

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