Meet The Photographer Behind My Book & More!

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“I’ve been testing these recipes in my own kitchen and every single one turns out to be better than anything my Grandmother ever made.  Don’t just buy this terrific book, use it!”

~New York Times bestselling author, Dorothea Benton Frank

To pre order your copy of the cookbook that YOU helped happen, click on the cover below!

GUESS WHAT? Miss Frank was talking about OUR SOUTHERN PLATE BOOK!!! I got goose bumps when I read that and had to read it three more times, then call Mama and read it to her a few times before I was able to breathe normally again. That is one of the blurbs that will be going on the book and I knew y’all would be as excited as I was about it!

I really got to work with some amazing people on this book, folks I never even thought I’d get to meet much less have them contribute to Southern Plate! Today I’d like to bring you a post by my photographer, Jennifer Davick. She did a blog post on Southern Plate that you might enjoy with a little background about how we came into contact with each other.

Things are chugging right along behind the scenes on the book. Working with the folks at Harper Collins has just been an amazing experience and would you believe that the VP of marketing is from Alabama? Seriously! I mailed him a big old box of Moon Pies and Goo Goo Clusters last week as my “official” introduction (Alabamians know how to say it with junk food!). We’re nailing down tour dates and locations and as soon as we get them set up I’ll post them here in hopes of getting to finally meet as many of you as possible!

I can’t wait for you to see the rest of the photos. The book is just gorgeous thanks to Jennifer and the stylist team (Marian Cooper Cairns and Jan Gautro). In addition to lots of photos of food, there are also photos of just about my whole family including nephews, grandparents, parents, brother, sister, and some extended family as well. The food turned out so beautiful and Jen really stayed true to Southern Plate. You’ll recognize most of the dishes from my very own kitchen, including my vintage Corelle plates and Pyrex bowls and casseroles.

You can visit Jen’s blog post about the Southern Plate Cookbook here.

Looking for some quick and easy supper ideas for a laid back weekend?

Click here for my personal favorite top ten!


Special Wishes For A Special Person

My Grandaddy, J Pockrus, and Me

I’d like to say Happy Birthday to my Grandaddy. He’s been gone for thirteen years now and not a day goes by that my heart doesn’t ache for him. I sure do wish he was here to read the story I wrote about him in the book. When you read the last chapter and the closing sentence of  the book you will know just how much he means to me.

I love you Grandaddy and every time I think about you I can still hear the last thing you ever said to me “I love you too, Babe”.

I will always miss him.

Happy Birthday Grandaddy.


Later today I’ll be mailing out some printer friendly recipes to my email subscribers so be sure and sign up if you’d like them. Every now and then an email server kicks back an email sent by me and it causes the computer on my end to think the address is no longer valid. If you’ve stopped getting my emails, please try subscribing again. Have a great weekend!



It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to be kind to others.

Submitted by Ruth Lail. Submit your quote here or just find more for a little inspiration when you need it.


  1. Whoo Hooo! You beat out Paula Dean and Southern Living!!!!! Your blog is amazing. You deserve all the success possible. Good Job! I cant wait to get your book!

  2. Obviously I am out of the loop because I do not know
    who DB Frank is. Someone important because she got to read your book early!

    Happy birthday to your grandpa. I’m sure they throw some good parties up there. 🙂

    1. You must not be a southern girl! lol. I am a yankee but love anything by Dorothea Frank – start with “Plantation” and move on to “Sullivan’s Island”. You will be hooked – she is a wonderful writer and portrays the south with emotion, style, graciousnes….her books are in paperback, or you can get cheap used copies on amazon or ebay. Enjoy

      1. Hi Judy,
        Su is one of the Southern Plate readers with an Australian accent. ~waves to my friend Su so far away~ Christy met up Su while she was visiting in Atlanta last summer and took her to a Cracker Barrel and Stone Mtn. in Atlanta Ga.

        1. Thanks Judy and Terri. I will look her up.

          And just a slight correction, not last summer. It was fall. hehehe 😉

  3. Oh, how I wish you would come to the Joseph-Beth Booksellers at South Park mall in Charlotte, NC. My daughter-in-laws step Mother has been the manager for many years, and the shoppe is in an awesome mall. You would get a gob of people that would turn out and buy your book!!! Well…I can always hope! Ü

    I’m still waiting to see what cities you’ll visit before I buy…just in case you do make it to Charlotte!

    1. I can second that, Christy – the mall is AWESOME! Godiva chocolate, an actual Tiffany’s store (I’ve always been too scared to even step foot in the place ), and a Cheesecake Factory resteraunt all in one place – can you imagine?? Please please please come to Charlotte !

  4. Oh my goodness! Reading todays’ post not only brought tears of happiness, but also goose-bumps!! Y’all do get goose-bumps…right? I’m a northerner girl, who had a daddy that loved southern cooking. His birthday was Feb.18th and I lost his physical prescence 13 yrs ago…boohoo. I can’t tell you how many times I felt his smile or comments to me when I’m reading your stories. Sure keeps me coming back every day! Thank you so much, Christy for sharing this experience with us, and of course for passing down your great recipes and stories. Love ya!
    ~Sandy from Seattle~

  5. Christy, sometimes you bring back memories within me that make me cry.
    Sometimes you make me laugh at the things you do or say.
    Sometimes you cook things that I can almost taste because my
    Mother cooked them just the same way.
    Keep reminding us of the good things and bring back memories
    that we all share. Happy Birthday Grandaddy Pockrus!!

  6. Wow! an endorsement from D.B. Frank! For those of you who’ve never read her books, you’re missing a Southern treat! Congrats on the new book, Christy.

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