Hot Buttered Sweet Rice

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Who all has had a bowl of Hot Buttered Sweet Rice handed to them by their loving mama or grandmama?

When my Mama was a little girl, she’d come in from school to find her Granny waiting to hear all about her day.
Knowing that kids were hungry after a long day at school, she’d smile when Mama walked in and sit her down at the table…


And put a bowl in front of her.


Then she’d take some rice from the supper she was preparing and scoop some hot right into that bowl…


And add a pat of butter.


And a sprinkling of sugar.

hot buttered rice southernplate

And give it a good stir.

And Mama would eat that entire bowl of warm, sweet, buttery rice.

Sometimes, the very next day before school, Mama would wake up to find her Granny heating up leftover rice to repeat this for a warm and soothing breakfast before she headed off to school.

It sure was good.

Did you eat this when you were little?

Was there some other comfort food that you remember along these lines? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


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  1. Eating it right now! Is how I stumbled on to this page. My Tennessee “Mammaw” made this for me soooo many times, and with homemade biscuits! I’m 51 now. She passed a few months ago at 94 (so this dish must not be toooo bad for ya) and I’m missing her. Made a big buttered vat of memories. 🙂

    1. My Indiana Mammaw made this for us regularly too. I always tear up a little and smile when I have some.

  2. I grew up eating this and still eat it today. I add a little milk along with the butter and sugar, and have a piece of buttered toast with it. Some nights, nothing else will do for supper.

  3. My mom made it for my 6 brothers and sisters and me. Also, leftover cold rice was great to have in a bowl with sugar , cinnamon and milk. I love both of these dishes to this day.

  4. My Mom made rice with butter and sugar for us for breakfast. I still love it any time of the day. Another good memory I have growing up, my Mom worked at Woolworth”s department store and when she had Wednesday off she would make a special supper and a pan of old fashioned fudge. I had one brother and three sisters. So she would cut the whole pan of fudge up and give us our own “stack” of fudge. So good!!

  5. we ate this with cinnamon and sugar all the time growing up and I still do. such a great memory.

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