Hot Buttered Sweet Rice

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Who all has had a bowl of Hot Buttered Sweet Rice handed to them by their loving mama or grandmama?

When my Mama was a little girl, she’d come in from school to find her Granny waiting to hear all about her day.
Knowing that kids were hungry after a long day at school, she’d smile when Mama walked in and sit her down at the table…


And put a bowl in front of her.


Then she’d take some rice from the supper she was preparing and scoop some hot right into that bowl…


And add a pat of butter.


And a sprinkling of sugar.

hot buttered rice southernplate

And give it a good stir.

And Mama would eat that entire bowl of warm, sweet, buttery rice.

Sometimes, the very next day before school, Mama would wake up to find her Granny heating up leftover rice to repeat this for a warm and soothing breakfast before she headed off to school.

It sure was good.

Did you eat this when you were little?

Was there some other comfort food that you remember along these lines? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


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  1. My mother cooked a pot of rice every night for our supper..we loved to eat the leftover rice the next morning with butter and a fried egg in good.

  2. First off, what caught my eye was the jewel tea patterned bowl. My mom has a whole set of that! It was my grandmother’s & we use it for many of our big family dinners. Love it! And yes, I used to have buttered rice with turbinado sugar as a kid..occasionally will still have it as a quick breakast treat. 🙂

  3. My mom raised 6 kids on a Navy enlisted man’s salary back in the 50s & 60s and rice was definitely on the menu in various forms. Since payday was only once a month back then, the families in our Navy housing all got “commodities” to help last through the month. I liked rice far better than the dried beans! Mom made hot buttered rice (when the potatoes ran out), as well as Spanish rice, rice with gravy (esp. pork chop gravy), rice pudding, stuffed peppers with rice, and rice for breakfast. It was served the same way we ate oatmeal, with a little butter, sugar, and milk. Nowadays, I get white rice when we order Chinese food and save it for breakfast. Thanks for the good memories. =^..^=

  4. Nope ,we never had rice. i did not know either of my grandmothers they both had past away when i was born. i grew up on an island in fl. not many children on the island, we had a two room school house. but mama always had toast from the over and oat meal, and to this day i still make it for my self, NO instant oat meal “ON THE STOVE”——-there was five of us and when we all get together whch is a lot we still talk about our wonderful breakfast we had———-THANK YOU MAMA.———- MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU CHRISTY

  5. We ate it as kids with the addition of cinnamon, and a little milk. Raisins added with the rice to the to the hot water and cooked with the rice is awesome I have even been known to chop an apple into the water too, breakfast, or dessert yummy!

  6. When I got married 46 yrs ago my husband asked me to cook him some rice for breakfast and I’ve been fixing it ever since. The only way I had ever eaten rice was fixed wirh sugar, raisins, and a little milk and we ate this for dessert. Little did I know that I would be eating the same thing minus the raisins for breakfast!!!

  7. My dad ate this also. Any time we had rice as a side dish he always made a dessert bowl of rice with some butter, milk and sugar. He also like to crumble cornbread into buttermilk and eat it with a spoon. Neither of these “snacks” ever appealed to me. But he did make sugar toast that I absolutely adored!

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