An Annual Thanksgiving Message From Southern Plate

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Dear Southern Plate Family,

As we reflect back during the year while celebrating Thanksgiving 2023, this year has been another doosey! So many things going on that can make us feel overwhelmed, stressed and negative about the future. I join with all of you praying for peace and love in our world. 

But to keep our focus on the difficult times only moves us away from our ability to see the blessings.  No guilt is necessary when we do find ourselves focusing on wishing things weren’t so challenging.  However, when we find ourselves moving in that direction even though it sure isn’t easy, to keep ourselves moving forward, it’s so important to focus on what we are thankful for right now AND be hopeful for the future.  Even if you have had a terrible year and feel like you have nothing to be thankful for, start with the small things like being thankful for having the ability to read this message or take your next breath or feel the clothes you are wearing sitting softly against your skin.  Start with the little things.

We are all human and aren’t perfect so sometimes we need reminders.  Thanksgiving can be one of those reminders to help shift our sights back on what we actually have in our lives right now that we are truly thankful for.  But don’t let it end on Thanksgiving.  Make time to be Thankful all year round. 

Paul reminds us to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  And James also adds,  ‘Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness”. (James 1:2-3)

So I hope this Thanksgiving is a special time for you to focus on what you have right now even if it’s less than last year… and that you find gratitude in your heart while being hopeful for the future.

I know one big thing I am thankful for is this year has brought me closer to you, the Southern Plate Family.  My heart is full as I remind myself of that glorious blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving! If you’re looking for a great way to be thankful this season be sure to grab my free gratitude printable. Gratitude Printable Southern Plate

And here’s just a little something that may make your life a tiny bit easier this holiday season.    Click here for just a little something that might make the upcoming holiday planning just a tiny bit easier.

If you’d like to place what you are thankful this year, please do so in the comments.


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  1. Christy, Thank you so much for bringing so much laughter, happiness and also for giving me so much to think about in my own life and to be so thankful for what God has given me. You make me feel so inspired with your stories and just by being you! I truly wish you and your family and also your Southern Plate family a very Blessed Thanksgiving for I truly am thankful and have so much to be thankful for. God Bless and thank you! Happy Thanksgiving Christy and Jordan family!

  2. As we sing in church…Give thanks with a grateful heart… I thank you for sharing your blessings with the rest of us through your recipes, cooking, and stories. May your Thanksgiving be one of many blessings to remember.

  3. This is so true and I wish a happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Enjoy it together as life is so short.

  4. Christy,
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I enjoy the love and inspiration that shines through in your commentary as much as the recipes you share! So happy for all the opportunities that have come your way; you have found your voice, Missy!

  5. Norman Rockwell is one of my favorites! His paintings always tell a story. So glad you are “unplugging” for a few days, enjoy your family and let them enjoy you! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Hope that you and your family enjoy this holiday. Thisis my favorite Holiday because we are thankfulf so many things. I love spending the day with my family and grandchildren and I love preparing everything.I ask everyone justto bring a hearthy appite.

  7. “Happy Thanksgiving” to you and your family!
    We had our family Thanksgiving on November 12th and it was so great to be with family & friends!
    Enjoy every minute with your loved ones! God Bless

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