Guest Blogger: Mama Belle’s Guide to Gumbo … Do it the lazy way!

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Today we have a wonderful guest blogger, Mama Belle! Mama Belle has the most delightful blog called Bayou Belles And Their Beau, and I find myself sneaking over there quite often to peep into her life. I love her writing style and her humor – so y’all know I had to try her food! She is a Southern Belle from cajun country so y’all are in for a treat! Thanks, Mama Belle! Its all yours!


When you live in Cajun country, the number one item that you need to know how to cook is gumbo. Gumbo is eaten all the time, especially once the weather gets cool, which Cajuns refer to as “Gumbo Weather.”
Here’s the problem … a lot of us ladies can’t make a roux to save our lives.
Roux is what makes the gumbo good … a mixture of flour and oil. It’s an embarrassment for a Cajun to not be able to make a roux. And, ya’ll, I’m a good cook. I really am.  I just can’t make a good roux.
I have tried, but have never been pleased with the taste. The gumbo has either turned out too oily or not dark enough or with not enough flavor. So, I’ve given up, along with a lot of other ladies, and now use the jarred roux. Everyone I know uses it, even the real Cajuns. So, save yourself a lot of trouble and just buy instead of trying to make your own.

So, here’s how you do it … Chicken, Sausage, and Tasso Gumbo.

This is what you will need (picture of ingredients): I used Savoie’s roux, but you can use whatever kind you can find. I also used previously chopped veggies … way easier. It includes what Cajuns refer to as “The Holy Trinity” … onion, bell pepper, and garlic, but you can cut ’em all up if you want to.
Dissolve roux in water over medium heat and let boil for 1/2 hour.
Season the chicken.
Add meats and vegetables. Bring to a boil; lower fire to medium heat and cook until chicken and vegetables are tender (about 1 1/2 hours). Add green onions and parsley about 15 minutes before and season to taste.
Serve over cooked rice in soup bowls. 6-8 servings. (picture)
When you cook a gumbo, you must have one of two things as a side … potato salad or baked sweet potatoes. I stuck to the healthier choice.
Hope ya’ll enjoy it!
~Mama Belle
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  1. Living in “Cajun Country” I LOVE gumbo! What a great recipe. Out of 5 kids I am the ONLY one who learned how to make a roux. I will have to tell my sister about the roux mix. Now I am craving GUMBO. Will have to cook this Saturday!!! YUM.

  2. One of the “BEST” “And I mean BESTEST” site EVER and I’ve searched many many sites, even the Fancy Smanchie ones… NONE of them can beat your “Southern Plate”
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart <3 for taking the time to pur so much time and effort to people like us who enjoy the art of home cooking.
    Big hugs and “WHO HA” to you !!!

    Linda in Keithville Louisiana
    (Origionally from Sunny California)

  3. HI there. I have never made Gumbo. Hmm I may have to try it. Thanks you for all the hard work being done on the site. It looks great.:)

  4. Born and raised in South Louisiana, this is the best way to cook gumbo. I live in East Texas now and actually have found the roux for sale at local wal mart and Brookshires. I can’t find the tasso and Richard’s sausage here so I stock up when I go to Lafayette to visit and freeze it. This is perfect gumbo weather. Thanks for sending this recipe.

  5. I have NEVER seen roux in a jar here in Houston. I bet though this is the best dang gumbo I could put a spoon too. Thanks for the recipe and Happy Thanksgiving

  6. Wow.. the new site looks AWESOME! I am very impressed! So much easier to move around. YA did good sistah!

    I have always wanted to make gumbo but I knew the roux would kick my tail. Heck, my cream gravy breaks. I’m gonna try this. Maybe I can serve it for Thanksgiving or Christmas. My sister likes things like Hot Tamales for Thanksgiving so this isn’t such a stretch. (She better make a Turkey at least ONCE this year if she knows whats good for her)
    I’m gonna make the Butterfinger Cake to take for Thanksgiving… they will love you for it.

  7. Mama Belle, don’t feel bad about the roux. It took me years to get it right. It has nothing to do with measurements, and all to do with feel. It took me a long time to learn that and to quit trying to measure it our perfectly.

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