Fried Bologna & Other Southern Sandwiches
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Southern Plate is more than just me typing and chatting away. In fact, YOU are the most important part of With that in mind, I hope you’ll take time to leave a comment and share your favorite sandwich from your childhood. See bottom of this post for more details! Gratefully, Christy 🙂
When my mama was a girl they had a tradition of going out riding through the countryside on Sunday afternoons. They’d stop off at a little store to have thick slices of bologna cut off and made into bologna and cheese sandwiches. Pair that with a bottled drink and they were living high on the hog! “There just wasn’t anything like getting to ride in that car and look out the window while you ate a bologna sandwich!”.
This treat was passed down to my generation when we often sat down for lunch with a big loaf of bread and a stack of cheese slices in the middle of the table while Mama fried up bologna in a skillet. We’d each make our own sandwich and I’d make mine just like my brother did: Fried bologna, cheese, and potato chips settled in between two pieces of “loaf bread”.
Bologna sandwiches, sometimes referred to as “the poor man’s steak”, are such a part of our culture, they’re even used to gauge a person’s character. On the day we got married, my husband’s best man, Jim, had driven in a ways and was planning on staying overnight before heading back. He stayed with my Grandmother, who lived across the road from what was to be our new home. It had been quite a day with the wedding and reception and that evening Grandmama and Jim went out on her porch to relax and look out over the river.
For supper, Grandmama made the two of them bologna sandwiches.
To Grandmama, Jim and my husband represented a new generation, with a huge divide between folks her age and them. Grandmama had grown up dirt poor and picking cotton all of her life and here was this young man newly graduated from college with an engineering degree whose experience with her world had been nothing more than glancing at the cotton as the car went by. Its sometimes a little intimidating for folks who come from such humble backgrounds in situations like this, but when Jim accepted that bologna sandwich, it spoke volumes to Grandmama about the type of person he was at heart. Even now whenever he is mentioned she always chimes, in,
“That Jim is just a real good boy, he sat out there on the porch and ate a bologna sandwich with me”.
To make the sandwich from my childhood you’ll need: Bread, cheese, mayo…
and potato chips 🙂
My brother taught me the wonders of a potato chip sandwich over thirty years ago.
I think it almost made up for him cutting the entire side of my hair off a few years later.
Now we have to fry out bologna. I always cut a slit halfway through to keep it from curling up into a bowl as it fries.
I prefer Zeigler bologna because it is made in Alabama. I try to buy as close to home as I can because last thing we want is to end up relying on a company halfway across the country for our food supplies. I think it’s best to support local suppliers to ensure that you have local suppliers. Zeigler’s has been around for over seventy five years. Their main plant is in Tuscaloosa and our own highly respected Coach Paul “Bear” Bryant was once an owner of the company as well.
Reminder to all: I am not into football but Alabamians take their football very seriously.
So whatever team you are for, GO THEM!
You don’t need to spray your pan or anything, just put your bologna in it and cook it on medium, turning after it browns on one side. Some folks like there is just barely heated but I actually like a wee bit of black on mine 🙂
Note to myself: You use the word “actually” too much, stop it. Now. Seriously.
Oh lawd, that’s some good eatin’!
I always smoosh it a bit to crunch the chips down some 🙂
Grandmama, I’m a real good girl because I still eat bologna sandwiches!
A few posts back we got into a comment discussion on strange sandwich combinations we grew up on. It was a fascinating comment section and we all really got a hoot out of reading it. I’d like to devote this comment section to those sandwiches. What did you grow up on? What brands do you insist on and why?
Mayonaise sandwich? Mustard sandwich? PB and banana? Tell us all about it! Also, why do you think Southerners eat such strange sandwich combinations-ketchup sandwich, anyone?
I think it is due to lack of food. When food was scarce, you could put something between two slices of bread, call it a sandwich and then it suddenly seemed like a meal. What do you think?
If there is anything else you wanna talk about in the comments section, feel free to do that, too.
See someone else’s comment you wanna reply to? Go right ahead!
I consider this to be my big old porch and we’re all just a standing around visiting with each other.
Y’all keep the conversation going and I’ll keep the tea glasses filled!
We’re all family here anyways. 🙂
“The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.”
Submitted by Rebecca Hall. To submit your quote or read more, please click here.
I just love getting new positive quotes so thank you in advance!
I grew up eating a fried bologna smmich,and when I leave this ole world wouldn’t mind a bit for my last meal be it a fried bologna and mater sammich..:)ole Harold from Floyd Va
I like fried bologna, too!
In my house, we were partial to mayo and pineapple, mayo and tomato, pimento cheese, and egg and olive. I still make all those sandwiches for my own children. My daddy ate banana and mayo sandwiches, but this one did not make it to my house as an adult. Notice these all have mayo in them–LOL. We love some Duke’s at my house.
Oh, and we also eat peanut butter nad honey, as well as peanut butter and banana.
I always thought all of these were normal sandwiches??
Oh Betsy I am so glad you mentioned banana & mayo sandwiches. My mother was from North Carolina, she grew up on a tobacco farm. She used to love banana & mayo sandwiches. But anytime I mention them to anyone I know now they look at me like I have 2 heads. MMMM-I can taste it right now. Come to think of it I think I have bananas in the kitchen…gotta go!
Betsy and Rebecca — never mind the odd looks. I get those looks from my own children (okay, they’re 16 to 21 y/o now) when I eat a peanut butter and mayo sandwich — which is elevated to a whole new level with the addition of bananas! My Dr. would scold me, but I don’t think he reads this blog. ~.^
PB & honey is also wonderful!
When I was younger, in the summertime, I’d make myself strawberries & Cool Whip sandwiches, often using cinnamon sugar to sprinkle on the strawberries. Slather Cool Whip onto both slices of bread, top with sliced strawberries, sprinkle w/cinnamon sugar, top w/other prepared bread slice and eat! It was like having strawberry shortcake for lunch.
Thick sliced Fried Bologna Sandwich on toasted bread with cheese was my favorite growing up. Zeigler’s was the best but Oscar Meyer was a close second in our house.
The only thing you are missing from that fried balogna sandwich is some Duke’s mayonaise!!
Now Ann-Margaret ~grins~ , I put Duke’s in the picture specifically for my Duke’s fans! Y’all are the ones who turned me on to it so that is why I bought it , coz of y’all!
Look up there, I swear its in the photo! hehehe
I loved this post. Ever since my children were little we would stop at a little country store to buy bologna and cheese to put on bread with ketchup.
We then ate them with rootbeer bought at Rabbit Hash General Store in Rabbit Hash KY! Nothing like sitting on the banks of the Ohio eating a simple sandwich with all my children there.
My oldest was married in May and lives out west. Everytime I eat bologna it triggers this memory and your post brought on some happy tears. We all love for our children to grow up, go to school get married and be happy but why does it have to hurt so darn much to let them go just the same???
Slap yo’ grandma good……jes’ gimmie two slices of thin bread, KRAFT mayo, cold slice or two of boloney (yes, boloney, like i said), teensy hint of yellow mustard and pacxk on the FRITOS!!! food of the gods. many a summer day at day camp, this was my fav choice. or take the tomato, lettuce version, fully salted and peppered and i could’a died and gone to heaven. cheap, yes we did that, didnt everybody watch their pennies waay back when? i never minded a minute and never knew we were on a budget, by the way i got to eat. hmmmm, i’m hungry now. darn, i am out of bologna. dangit, christy now i am in a bind hankerin’ for bologna.
pssst, billgent, sorry to hear your doctor is cramping your style. hugs to you.
Cheap to the budget, rich to the soul!!!
Fried Bologna was a staple in our house…we liked it fried, then grilled, with my Grandfather’s homemade hot tomato ketchup or chow chow on it. Oh MY!
also loved Peanut Butter, Banana and Miracle Whip. One had to mash the banana and mix it with the PB & Miracle Whip. The MW kept it from sticking to the roof of your mouth. Had to be on white bread, or this is equally good spread on saltines.
Potato Chip sandwiches…mayo of course.
Pimento Cheese and tomato sandwiches, with Grandmom’s homemade Lime pickles on the side.
Peanut Butter and Vidalia onion. Only in the Spring with REAL Vidalias.