*Food Bloggers* Vlog Every Day In June Challenge
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I had so much fun taking part in the Vlog Every Day in May Challenge put on by my friend, Conni, at Cosmopolitan Cornbread that I decided to host my own challenge for June! You can view all of my May videos by clicking here. This challenge is specifically for Food Bloggers, so if you’re not a food blogger, this will be a fun way for you to get to know more about some of your favorite go-to people when it comes to recipes. Feel free to share this post and challenge your favorite food bloggers to participate! My goal is to make this challenge easy and fun so here are the guidelines:
- No stress! Film one video a day or answer a week’s worth of questions all at once if you like!
- Miss a day or forget a question? No problem! Skip it or circle back later, up to you!
- Use the WiLd CaRdS…or don’t :). I’ve included some WiLd CaRd questions at the bottom. Feel free to use them as substitutes for any questions that you don’t think apply to you (or just if you are in the mood to sub!). You can also add in the WiLd CaRd to any of your videos in addition to your regular question if you like. Or, you can just ignore the WiLd CaRd’s completely. I just threw them in there as a little bonus.
- Weekends off! As bloggers, we often have to use our weekends to play catch up on work we weren’t able to complete during the week. Not so with this challenge! Saturday and Sundays are freebies, with no questions on these days. Feel free to get caught up on videos during this time if you like, though. Totally up to you.
- Let me know if you are taking part in the challenge so we can all watch your videos! Just leave a link to your YouTube channel or a blog (or blog post) where you will host your month’s videos in the comments below! Note: Due to security settings, comments with links in them have to be approved so they won’t show up immediately.
- If you mention a recipe on your blog in your video, be sure to include a link in your video so viewers can find it! Youtube lets you add annotations and notecards to your videos with clickable links.
Ready? Let’s go!
- June 1 How long have you been blogging? What prompted you to start?
- June 2 What was the first recipe you ever posted on your blog and what made you choose that one?
- June 3 Who taught you how to cook? Tell us about them.
- June 4 Have you ever had a major cooking fail? June 5 What was the first thing you remember cooking? How old were you? Have a great weekend!
- June 8 What food trend do you see as utterly ridiculous?
- June 9 What dishes do your family and friends beg you to make for them?
- June 10 You’ve just come home from a week away, an entire week without any home cooked food. What is the first thing you make?
- June 11 Is there a special dessert you like for your birthday?
- June 12 What would your last meal be? Have a great weekend!
- June 15 Describe a typical meal (or meals) that your family had while growing up.
- June 16 Do you remember the pattern of dishes you ate on as a child? Are there any special dishes your family uses today?
- June 17 What did you drink with meals growing up? What does your family drink with meals today?
- June 18 If you were to have your own tv show what would it be about? Describe an episode.
- June 19 What was the last book you read? Have a great weekend!
- June 22 What recipe on your blog is incredibly popular – and that really surprises you?*
- June 23 What is the craziest comment you’ve ever received on your blog? June 24 Do you consider yourself a foodie? What about a chef?
- June 25 As a food blogger, if you could take one part of your job off your plate, what would it be?
- June 26 What is your favorite form of social media? Least favorite? Why? Have a great weekend!
- June 29 Have you ever had a post cause a completely unexpected and erratic (good or bad) reaction?
- June 30 What is the BEST part of being a food blogger?*
~*~*~* WiLd CaRd QuEsTiOnS *~*~*~
Substitute one of these for a regular question, add them into your videos as bonuses, or ignore them entirely!
- Is there one talent, skill set, or bank of knowledge about a particular subject that most people probably don’t realize you have? Does it bother you that no one knows?
- What is your busy night go-to supper?
- Is there one ingredient you just absolutely hate? (Spice, herb, etc)
- Is there a time period you think would have been better suited for than today? Why?
- What is the most important meal of the day to you and why?
- How do you feel about flying (in a plane)?
- What was the best vacation you ever took?
- Do you know how to drive stick shift?
- Are there any books that helped shape your work ethic? (put affiliate links in your video if you have them)
- *NEW* Show us the contents of your pockets/wallet/purse 🙂
Thank you for taking part in the challenge!
Be sure and let your reader’s know about your videos so that they can enjoy them!
~My videos will be added below as I record them~
June 1 When & Why I started blogging.
June 3
What was the first recipe I ever posted and who taught me how to cook?
June 4
My major cooking fails, the first dish I ever made, and scripture that I’m clinging to right now.
June 7th
Out & About With My Family and Ridiculous Food Trends
June 10
What dishes do my friends and family request the most?
June 11
- In today’s video, I answer the question “What one meal do you want when you come home after a trip?” and also me and the kids head to our new gourmet popsicle store!
June 12
Today I air my vlog live as I share my favorite birthday dessert, my last meal, and what you should always NOT do when life is beating you up.
My surprise new hairstyle, it’s even a surprise to me!
June 16th Describing a typical meal from my childhood. This video was filmed during our weekend getaway at Joe Wheeler State Lodge.
June 19
What dishes did your family eat meals on growing up and what did you drink with your meals?
This was recorded at Joe Wheeler State Park
June 24
In this video I get caught up on my questions and…you know those moments in horror films where you see something bad is about to happen to the main character and you find yourself yelling a warning at the screen that they can’t hear? Yeah, you’ll have one of those moments about 3/4 in. Not for those who are prone to cases of the heebee jeebees. I warned ya. 🙂
Last video of the month!!
My daughter’s video is below…
Two friends talk about life, friendship, and teenagers from the perspective of a ten year old.
I too love the simple home cooked food. No strange ingredients nor alcohol in what I cook and that is why I love your recipes so much. No alcohol and nothing strange that I would never use a gain. Thanks for being a down to Earth country cook.
Thank you Marsha, you are always making me smile and are such an encouragement to me!!
Hey Christy! Thank you so much for posting all these videos!! It is such a treat to hear from you on a more frequent basis now that your book is finished. Can’t wait to get my hands on it! Thank you for being you and for reminding us of all these wonderful Bible verses and for being willing to serve our Heavenly Father despite those who chose to desire to suppress their need of His guidance in their lives. Am sending extra prayers for you and the family during this rough week. Have a great weekend. I know you will seek and find many of His blessings. 😀
Thank you Debbie, that means more than you can imagine!!!
Christy, I just wanted to tell you that I look forward to your videos and stories so much. They really touch my heart and help me see things in my own life where I need to try and be better when it seems as if life is full of distractions and difficulties. Being wise enough to know when to keep our thoughts to ourselves is very good advice. The saying if you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all. People would be a lot kinder if they just followed this one phrase, and tried to look for the good instead of falling into the negativity trap and gossip. You’re right in that most people don’t have a filter on what they are thinking or feeling. Heaven forbid someone should be offended over the smallest things.
I love how you change topics and have conversations as if speaking with a friend, it lets us see how down to earth and so kindhearted and funny you are. You give us a glimpse into who you really are and your everyday life, whether it’s your pets trying to get in some extra lovin as you are recording your vlog, or any other kind of interruption with kids, or delivery trucks, or just telling us about your struggles and what helps you to overcome them. You are showing your authentic self, and the gift you are actually offering of yourself and your insights that could have made all the difference in the world to them, but they are in too much of a hurry and missed something extra along with the wonderful recipes. Every time you speak from your heart it is something I needed to hear, as a gentle reminder to pay more attention and not be so distracted and caught up in everything going on in this crazy world that we can’t change anyway, and just worry over and overwhelm us. There are more important life goals to focus on and where we’re going, regardless of what life throws our way. These gentle prompting from you help me to stop and refocus where I really need to be, and try and just be a better person. I don’t think you may realize that sometimes you are the only one in that persons life that brings them joy and a thoughtful idea.
You should never apologize for letting your light shine, when it comes from your heart. It helps you and others, even when we may think no one is listening or cares. Not everyone has someone to show them a better way. Sometimes it makes all the difference. In all the chaos in this life, a still small voice can be heard if we are but still with a listening ear. Sometimes it just takes a reminder to set things right. Thank you for all you do and your generous giving nature.
Thank you Kate, that means more to me than you could ever imagine!!!
Preach it, Sister!! Love you girl! 🙂
🙂 Love you too Angie!!
Love the vlogs! So wonderful to hear your thoughts! The Scripture you read today I so needed to be reminded of and definitely no apologies are necessary!! Thank You for your willingness to be honest and open and thank God we live in a country where we’re still free to do so. Can’t wait for more!!
Thank you so much Lisa!!!
Hi Christy,
I am so enjoying your videos! Thank you for sharing them!! I’m sorry that one lady was unkind to you on Facebook! I remember the post you made and I thought it was joyful and made me happy to be part of the family of God with you!!
I love the verses from Isaiah 43 that you quoted!! That is one of my favorite passages. I had read it many times but when I learned it in a song it became part of me. To this day if my husband is having a tough day he’ll ask me to sing him ‘his song’ and the Lord will work through His Word to bring hope and peace!!
Love you,
🙂 Thank you Sandy, love you too!!
Well Christy, I’m not a food blogger. I’m just a regular wife, mama and grandmother who absolutely loves your blog and YOU! I just love hearing your words of wisdom and how I wish I had had the same wisdom when I was your age. Even though I’m quite a few years older than you, when I read your stories about your youth and your ancestors it very closely mirrors my own and I can really relate to where you came from. I’m from Tennessee country folk but we could have been your neighbors right down the road. Your story of getting started as a blogger and your other life stories are very inspiring and I hope and pray that all the young mothers (and older ones like me) following you will listen closely and take your words to heart. Thank you for speaking out candidly and boldly about your faith and Christian living. And, Oh, I almost forgot to mention how great your recipes are ! I bought two copies of your book “Come Home to Supper” for both my grown daughters and they love the book too. I’m really looking forward to this June video series. God Bless you and keep the inspiration coming.
Thank you so much Shirley, you can’t begin to imagine how much your kind words meant to me today!!!