Finding Southern Flavors In Canada : Poutine Comes Home!
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About two years ago, I had an opportunity to visit Canada. I had a wonderful time, met some great people, had delicious food, and learned two things about Canadians.
One is that they are very nice people! Seriously, they were the biggest group of nice folks I had ever encountered outside of my own stomping grounds. I can’t imagine feeling as welcome anywhere else as I was in Canada (I really think they liked me better than my own family but that is a story for another day…)
Secondly was that Canadians have an almost inhuman ability to maintain body heat. With my Alabama blood in the Canadian climate (in January), “I THOUGHT I’Z GONNA FREEZE!” I have never, never, never, never, never, never, never experienced cold like that before in all of my born days.
I had a week filled with firsts. From stepping into snow and watching my shoe actually sink entirely down into it to visiting a grocery store and seeing things written entirely in French. Canada was a great experience and as I said before, the people were just wonderful. Another first from my trip was trying this dish – poutine (Pronounced pooh-teen).
From day one I was told, “Oh you HAVE to have Poutine!”. When it was described to me, hot fries topped with fresh cheese curd and a rich gravy, I was a bit put off. It just didn’t sound good to me. Still, they were persistent. Finally, three days before I left, I relented.
It was pure and true love at first bite. I had poutine at just about every meal until my flight back home. I ate so much poutine, I was being watched with concerned eyes as if hoping I would somehow get back on the wagon again. They had unleashed a poutine monster.
Once you taste this, you’ll see why. Now remember, I thought it sounded weird to begin with, too. In truth though, Poutine tastes about as southern as food can get and despite what you think, you really can’t imagine what it tastes like until you try it. Three simple ingredients meld to become something altogether more than what they seem.
You’ll need three simple ingredients. French Fries, Beef Gravy, and Mozzarella Cheese.
We’re making this a bit differently from how they do in Canada as we don’t have fresh cheese curds. I can’t really tell the difference but I’m sure fresh cheese curds just make it all the better!
Bake or fry your french fries. I love these Big Daddy steak fries. They are absolutely wonderful, and very difficult to find. Most people prefer to fry them in oil but I just bake mine. Surprisingly, I really don’t like to deep fry anything!
While those are cooking, slice your mozzarella cheese…You want a good handful, about a half cup for each serving.
Cut your slices into small cubes.
Heat your gravy until piping hot. You can use the stovetop for this or the microwave. I nuke mine.
Place hot fries on a plate and salt them.
Sprinkle liberally with cheese cubes.
Ladle hot gravy over hot fries.
Get a good bit on there! Make sure you cover up your cheese so it will get all ooey and gooey.
Give it a minute or two to melt and dig in.
Oh lord, I made this a few weeks ago and am just now putting the tutorial up.
Now I have to go make it again!
Servings: 4
Calories: 708kcal
- French fries cooked and kept hot
- Mozzarella cheese cut into small cubes
- Beef gravy in a can
- Heat gravy until piping hot. Sprinkle cheese cubes liberally over hot fries. Pour gravy over all.
- Pretend you know french. C'est Magnifique? MAIS Oui! C'est tres magnifique!(hey, I said pretend!)
Calories: 708kcal
Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!
I am also hypoglycemic, diagnosed 2 years ago, its scary when that sugar starts droppin on ya. Ya get anxious, palms sweat, can’t speak clearly, I didnt know I had it til I hit the floor and woke up about 3 minutes later, off to the doctor where he confirmed it. While I dont use Splenda (dont like the aftertaste) I do keep OJ in the house and eat and set times so as not to throw everything off kilter. Hmm…wonder how many other readers here have that in common.
Hey there….Pinky sent me over here to say hello and I am very glad she did! Although your blog is making me seriously hungry!!!
Pinky Sent me too!
That Butterfinger Cake was to DIE FOR!! YUM YUM
My cooking exprience had my hubby getting me a brand spankin new cookbook too…. Cooking For Dummies ROFL!!!!
Hi! Pinky sent me, I love your site, I am going to book mark this site and come back for sure, I see some yummy things on here…
Stacie Glenn
Christy, no-one makes their own lamingtons here! lol We all buy them. I don’t know one person or their granny who has made their own. When we were kids most schools would place orders for lamingtons as a way of fundraising. I remember having my mum take my order form to her work so she could get her co-workers to order boxes of lamingtons. I miss those lamingtons, I don’t know if they do fundraising anymore. 🙁
Although I probably do have a recipe so I will find it for you over the weekend.
I can’t believe you watch McLeod’s Daughters! I don’t even watch the show myself!! LOL
Hi, Pinky sent me, ur site is great, all the foods are making me hungry.
Michelle! I Agree, homemade everything is better than storebought. Poutine in my house is just for me, though, so I take shortcuts!! hehe
Welcome to Southern Plate!!!!
Bill Gent: YAY! You get the golden reader award for person who tries things the quickest and always reports back!! Thank you so much for letting me know!!! I wish I could eat lunch at your house! I get cold cuts on a GOOD day!
Carol A: Thank you so very much! I am thrilled to have you here! I do hope you hang around, I got lots more up my sleeves! Welcome to Southern Plate!
Nancy, I know just what you mean! Maybe I should post more pics from Canada to help cool us off!!! haha!
I think I was the only person left who didn’t know Pinky when I did meet her! LOL Its wonderful to have you here!
Annie! I love your name, first and last! Thank you for the kind words, I do hope you come back often! Welcome to Southern Plate!
Ashley: Welcome to Southern Plate! Please come back often and let me know if you have any questions or special requests! I’d love to hear if you try anything!! Thanks!!!!
Bill Gent: Would you believe I have never had bleu cheese???
Karen! Great to have you at Southern Plate, Welcome!!!! One good thing about our summers, they sure do make you look forward to winter, huh? LOL Come back often, alright? ~grins~
Patty: See? it’s fate, you are MEANT to try it now!! Welcome to Southern Plate!!!
Pinky, do you ever sleep? I’m glad you don’t!!
Beckabear: I hope you check out the fresh peach cobbler post. It is my mothers and the cobbler is sooooooooooo buttery and delicious. Let me know if you’d like my peach crisp recipe and I’ll shoot it off to ya! I haven’t done the tutorial on that yet but will gladly share the recipe! If any of y’all want a particular recipe just give me a holler! I share all of my recipes, as you can tell!
Marla: Welcome to Southern Plate!!!! So good to have you here! Do sit and stay a spell!!
Thank you all so much for reading!