Egg and Pasta Bake – and the Joy of Being “Old”

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Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old" : This is a great "Clean out your pantry right before grocery day" meal!

The printable recipe for this Egg and Pasta Bake is at the bottom of this post.

I’ve started to feel older lately. Not old as in age, mind you, although some days I certainly do. Old is a state of mind. I have known people in their eighties who were younger than thirty year olds so I know better than to attribute it to a minor thing like age. What I’m talking about is that chasm that widens at some points, between us and the generations who came after we did.

It happens somewhat naturally when you have a teenager who is into computer programming as a hobby. Brady often starts speaking and I literally have no idea what he is talking about. He might as well be speaking Latin (which he sometimes does as well, just to throw me I think) for all I know.

But that is my kid and I’m used to it. What I’m not used to is other people’s kids, however “grown” they may be.

So this past week my husband and I found ourselves in one of our cell phone provider’s stores. We had a few questions about a new tablet with some technology we aren’t familiar with, as well as some new phone plans that can save us money.

We got paired up with a kid, who is probably legally an adult, but not quite at the age where he is actually hoeing his own row so to speak.

He was a very intelligent kid and the way he spouted off techno-speak reminded us of our son.

We asked him to explain this new phone plan to us, which somehow cuts our bill by over 30%. We knew it was a good deal but weren’t quite grasping where the catch was (there is always a catch and we wanted to see it coming).

So this kid starts talking, a mile a minute. The thing that trips me up about these kids is that, just like my son, they don’t really speak with a Southern accent. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking the accent or lack thereof, but a Southern accent tends to slow things down a bit in conversation and folks who grew up around Southern accents are used to having a few extra seconds to digest what is being said because it takes longer to get out.

With these kids nowadays, it’s like you have to learn to speed listen or something.

So this kid starts explaining and I’m sure he did a great job, but we missed half of what he said because his words were so fast that the last of the sentence seemed to be said right on top of the first of the sentence.

When he was finished, I looked at my husband and was glad to see by his double blink that it wasn’t just me.

I’m glad he’s from the old Georgia, like I’m from the old Alabama.

My husband said “Okay, now let me get this straight.” and proceeded to try to explain back to the kid what he understood so far.

The kid, God love him. I’m sure he is a wonderful kid and was raised by kind people with good hearts and all of that. I’m so sure of this that we didn’t leave the store when he looked straight at my husband, who was about to drop a considerable amount of money on a new device, and said with an exasperated sigh usually only reserved for people who brought you into the world (and therefore are less inclined to bring you out):

“No. You didn’t listen to a word I just said.”

Ricky looked away from the kid, cranked his head to the side a bit, and tensed his jaw. I stepped in and said “Wow! We’re not used to hearing people talk like that to us outside of our teenager. He really is a lot like Brady, don’t you think Ricky?”

I tried to make light of it, reminding Ricky that this was somebody’s kid and obviously he had the information straight in his head, he just had a problem realizing that he wasn’t presenting it so it could be straight in other people’s heads as well.

Ricky took a breath and I gave the kid a motherly smile. He had the sense to back down and say “I’m sorry, let me get some paper and a pen and I’ll write it out for you while I explain”

I now think kids in prehistoric times started writing on cave walls just so their older, outdated parents could understand what they were trying to say. On another note, I couldn’t help but be impressed that this child of the new millennium still knew how to be proficient with such ancient devices as paper and a pen.

He recovered well. We bought a new device and changed both of our phone plans and actually left the store understanding how and why it would save us money. And feeling that great chasm grow larger than it has ever been for us.

That kid really saw us as old.

The next day, I got an email with the subject line “Do you want to feel 20 again?”. I have no idea what it was selling but I just sat there and looked at the subject line a moment without opening it. My own younger years flashed through my mind. For me, they were years that lacked wisdom, stability, a sense of direction. I didn’t know who I was or who I wanted to be, much less where I was headed, things that are well understood at this point in my life. I didn’t have any of the grounding I do now.

I thought of that kid at the phone store, remembering a time when I was so sure of the things I was so sure of  – and completely unaware of so many other levels in life.

And then I looked at this email asking me if I wanted to feel 20 again.

“Not on your life.” I replied, hitting delete as I shut my computer and walked back into the kitchen.

Today’s recipe is one of those clean out the fridge or pantry, last ditch meals before you go grocery shopping type suppers. It’s also good for folks who just want to cut down on meat in order to squeeze the grocery bill a little bit tighter.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Ingredients are easy on this and can be changed based on what you have on hand or what you prefer. I am using the less expensive parmesan cheese, angel hair pasta (or spaghetti) kosher salt, heavy cream, fresh black pepper, cherry tomatoes, eggs, and a little bit of  butter (it camera shy).

Heavy cream is expensive but I keep it on hand for my coffee lately. If you don’t have any, you can substitute whole milk or a can of evaporated milk. Evaporated milk would be my choice because it has that nice rich flavor to it. Also, in place of the tomatoes feel free to use any vegetables you have lingering about.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Here are the two main types of parmesan you are likely to have.

Either works just fine in this recipe so buy what you can afford or use what you have and don’t look back.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Let’s talk about pasta. Used to, folks would say that a stack of spaghetti about the size of a quarter is one serving. For me, personally, I have found that it is about the size of a nickel in my family. I’m using roughly three servings worth of pasta in this recipe.

Cook that according to package directions.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

While that is cooking, melt about 2 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet over medium heat.

Add cream (or milk).

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Add Parm and stir that in a bit.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Add some salt and pepper to taste.

A little garlic powder would be really great here, too, as well as any herbs you like.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Stir that up and continue cooking over medium heat until it is smooth.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Add in cooked and drained pasta.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Stir that in until it is coated and then make a nest for every egg you plan on using.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Crack your eggs into the little nesting spots.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Half your cherry tomatoes and put them on the top.

If you’re not using cherry tomatoes you can just sprinkle your veggies over the top or you could have stirred them into the pasta before you added your eggs.

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old"

Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes, or until eggs are done as well as you like.

At around 15 my eggs are over well (not runny in the middle).

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old" : This is a great "Clean out your pantry right before grocery day" meal!

Egg and Pasta Bake - and the Joy of Being "Old" : This is a great "Clean out your pantry right before grocery day" meal!

Remove from oven and sprinkle with more parmesan if you like.

I also added some fresh parsley to pretty it up a bit (plus, I like parsley).


<—- This is my plate 🙂


HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY and remember, if you have food in your pantry and a roof over your head, you are more blessed than many people ever dream of being.


Egg and Pasta Bake – and the Joy of being “old”

This Egg and Pasta Bake is delicious & perfect for one of those clean out the fridge, last ditch meals before you go grocery shopping type suppers.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Course: Snack
Cuisine: American
Keyword: eggnog, pasta
Servings: 4
Calories: 383kcal


  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream or milk
  • 1/2 cup parmesan
  • salt and pepper to taste I used 1/2 teaspoon of each
  • Angel Hair Pasta enough for 2-4 people
  • 1 +1/2 cups cherry tomatoes halved
  • 4 eggs
  • More parmesan or herbs of your choice to sprinkle over the top.


  • Cook pasta according to package directions.
  • In large skillet, over medium heat, melt butter. Add cream, parmesan, salt, and pepper. Stir and continue to cook until creamy.
  • Stir cooked and drained pasta into sauce until coated. Make a little hole in pasta for each egg you are going to use. Crack eggs into holes. Top with tomatoes.
  • Cover with foil and bake at 350 for 10-15 minutes, or until eggs are to the desired doneness for your taste. Remove foil and top with additional parmesan and herbs, if desired.

This is an easy recipe to adapt. Use whatever vegetables you have, milk instead of cream, and customize with seasonings of your choice.

    If you want more sauce, double the milk, butter, and cream.


      Calories: 383kcal
      Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!


      “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.”

      ~Winston Churchill

      Submitted by Jenny. Click here to submit your own. 

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      1. Kristy, this has been happening to me for about 35 years now, which is just over half my life, I always seem to get the rep that is 12 in looks, and 4 in rudeness, what usually happens is they are so obnoxious I go someplace else no matter how good the sale, or whatever is. And I usually talk to the manager first and tell him why I’m going, there is no excuse for that type of rudeness, no matter how old or fossilized the kid thinks we are.
        I have found that kids think in very odd ways these days, they know everything, which is not new, but they are totally rude with it, and they think they can just come to work whenever they feel like it, they should be paid for all the days even if they aren’t there, and its fine to act like raving idiots in the store or restaurant where they are supposed to be working. Oh yeah all their friends can visit and initiate the idiot behavior, the kids can leave in the middle of a shift etc, just because a friend has dropped by and wants to go do something. That actually happened to us in the middle of placing a dinner order! Then they wonder why no one will hire them at the high paying jobs!
        My mother was the queen of eggs instead of meat, I grew up eating enough eggs to kill a horse and mostly don’t like to eat them these days, but I have been known to make something similar when the larder got very low. Great recipes and brings back memories of nights when we got biscuits, and white gravy made with bacon grease, flour and canned milk, another thing I am not really fond of but then again, I had gall bladder issues at a young age.

      2. That was some story….like several comments stated, I too would have walked out and not bought anything……he was just rude….and in business the customer is suppose to always be right….(not that they always are) but I was taught to respect my elders and working I was never rude to customers…..if it wasn’t for them, I would not have had a job…..that kid needs a wake up call……just sayin…………………..

      3. I absolutely LOVE asking for a manager to discuss an employee with them! I know it’s not nice, but you can feel the stress level go up in the person you ask that of and the manager is always a bit wary when they walk up…and then I get to tell them what a fabulous employee they have and specifically what the person did that was so great. Yeah, I know, not so nice at first, but I know that if you tell a person what they are doing well, they will work their hiney off to get that kind of praise again. I would not have been able to do that with the young man you encountered 🙁 But (now I totally blame this one of you), my word for the year is “grace” and I am trying to give it to everyone in every situation possible. Makes for a happier, less-stressed me, that’s for sure! Looks like a great recipe too, just have to figure out what I could use instead of pasta – DH is diabetic so that is a no-go.

      4. LOVED, LOVED, LOVED, that story and can very well relate. I will add this recipe to my month plus of ground beef recipes. this is great as it uses even a little leftover bit and pieces and makes an entire meal. Whenever I have leftover spaghetti I usually make mac and cheese with it but love this idea of a complete meal. God is good he gave us Christy to help us feed our families in a cost effective way. Thank you Christy, i do appreciate everything you do, the inspiration, the laughter and the yummy recipes. Not to mention sharing your life and family with all of us out here!

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      6. thank you Christy for giving me new outlook on my age progression. I just tell tech support I am a dinosaur! In fact I just had to rely on tech support to install a new router . The support at Netgear was fantastic and had me up and going quickly.

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