Easy Southern-Style Bruschetta

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Here’s a quick and easy Southern-style bruschetta with ripe tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, and toasted bread. Perfect for a summer snack or appetizer, this simple recipe brings fresh flavors to your table. Enjoy!


Hey y’all! Today, we’re diving into a super easy and downright delicious recipe that’s perfect for those warm Southern evenings when you want something fresh and tasty without a lot of fuss. We’re talking about bruschetta. Now, I know what you’re thinking – bruschetta might sound fancy, but trust me, this version is as simple as it gets. It’s all about fresh, juicy tomatoes, fragrant basil, and a hint of garlic, piled high on crispy toasted bread. It’s the kind of snack or appetizer that hits the spot whether you’re enjoying a quiet night on the porch or hosting a laid-back get-together with friends.

This bruschetta is perfect for using up those ripe tomatoes from the garden or the farmer’s market. And if you’ve got a little basil growing on your windowsill, even better! It’s all about taking what’s fresh and in season and turning it into something that’s downright delightful.

So, grab a glass of sweet tea or your favorite cold drink, and let’s get to making this easy Southern-style bruschetta that’ll have everyone asking for seconds.

What You’ll Need to Make Bruschetta:

ingredients for bruschetta


  • Chopped tomatoes
  • Chopped onions
  • Minced garlic
  • Basil
  • Cheese
  • A store bought baguette
  • Oil

How to Make Bruschetta:

slice baguette

Slice the baguette into slices that are about 1/2 inch thick.

chop tomatoes and onions

Chop the tomato and onion.

When chopping tomatoes, I find it’s best to have a really good serrated knife. This one will get the job done and will last a literal lifetime!

onion, tomato, and garlic in a bowl

Place your chopped tomato and chopped onions in a bowl along with your garlic.

add olive oil

Add a splash of olive oil.

add basil to the tomato and onion mixture

Add your basil.

Feel free to use fresh basil here if you like, or add in any other herbs you enjoy with tomatoes. I am using dried basil because it is inexpensive and lasts so long. I like to keep it on hand for my Basil Corn anyway.

stir mixture well

Stir that all up.

Refrigerate this for about an hour, to allow flavors to blend.

butter bread and toast

Meanwhile, butter your bread and place in oven until toasted, about five to ten minutes on 350.

toast bread

Once the top is toasted turn the pieces over and toast the bottom a little bit, too.

toasted bread

Like this.

put tomato mixture on top of the bread

Now put a bit of your tomato stuff on top of each piece of toast.

top bruschetta with cheese
and top with cheese.

You can use whatever cheese you have on hand. I think mozzarella is more traditional but I had this three cheese blend in my fridge and it worked just fine. 

melted cheese

Now put the bruschetta back in the oven and bake until the cheese is just melted.


YUM! This is kind of an appetizer but I think it makes a nice little lunch!

FAQs About Easy Southern-Style Bruschetta:

1. Can I use any type of tomatoes for this recipe?

Absolutely! While I recommend using ripe, juicy tomatoes for the best flavor, you can use any variety you have on hand. Cherry tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, or even heirloom tomatoes will work just fine.

2. Can I make the tomato mixture ahead of time?

Yes, you can! You can prep the tomato mixture a few hours ahead and store it in the fridge. Just be sure to give it a good stir before serving. The flavors will meld together nicely as it sits.

3. How should I store leftover bruschetta?

If you have any leftovers (which isn’t likely because it’s so good!), store the tomato mixture in an airtight container in the fridge for up to two days. Keep the toasted bread separate to prevent it from getting soggy.

4. What’s the best bread to use for bruschetta?

A crusty baguette or a loaf of Italian bread works best. You want something with a good crust that will hold up to the juicy topping without getting too soggy.

5. Can I add other toppings or ingredients?

Definitely! Feel free to get creative. Some folks like to add a sprinkle of grated Parmesan cheese, a few capers, or even some finely chopped red onion. Make it your own!

6. Is there a way to make this bruschetta gluten-free?

Yes! Just use your favorite gluten-free bread in place of the regular baguette. Toast it up the same way, and you’re good to go.


Easy Southern-Style Bruschetta


  • 1 Cup chopped tomatoes
  • 2 Tablespoon chopped onion
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons oil Vegetable, safflower, olive, your choice
  • 1 Tablespoon dried basil
  • Baguette or other sturdy bread sliced in 1/2 inch slices*
  • Cheddar cheese or whatever you have on hand
  • Butter or margarine for bread


  • Mix tomatoes, onion, garlic, oil, and basil in a medium bowl. Refrigerate for an hour to allow flavors to blend. Butter one side of sliced bread and place in 350 oven until lightly browned, five to ten minutes (keep an eye on it). Turn over and lightly brown bottom as well. Remove from oven and top with a spoonful of tomato mixture. Sprinkle with cheese. Return to oven just until cheese is melted.
  • *You can just cut circles out of regular bread and toast those to use in this if you like. Or just cut the bread slices in half and make little triangles. Either way works fine!
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    1. Hey Garvin, You can either go to print recipe and then instead of printing it, save it to your computer as a pdf.
      Here is how to do that on a mac: https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/save-a-document-as-a-pdf-on-mac-mchlp1531/mac
      Here is how to do that in Windows: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/print-to-pdf-in-windows-10/

      But if that is too much work click on Save Recipe in the recipe card and it will save it to your recipe box on the site.
      You can’t save it to your computer from there but it is alway in your recipe box on our site for reference.
      I hope this was helpful.
      Gratefully yours,
      Stacey Lynn

  1. I’ve always liked growing things and tomatoes are the best when “HOME” grown. Isn’t there a song about home grown tomatoes? Anyway, they are always the best tasting. I’m going to try this soon, because my plants are getting ready to bloom. Since getting older and with arthritis, I don’t get to plant as much as I have in the past. At least my sons like to grow things. I guess I did something right with them.lol. Keep up the great recipes. I’m waiting for your second book since I loved the first one. It’s the only cookbook I read from cover to cover. I usually scan them, but I thoroughly loved yours.

    You are the “GREATEST”!!!!

  2. Hello Christy,

    I just love this recipe thank you so much. I made it for a few of my friends and they too love it. It was the first one of yours i’ve made. I do want to mention i just love they way you lay out your recipes on here you always make me laugh.

    Thanks again!

  3. Hi Christy,

    This is wonderful. I have made it 3-4 times already. Love it.

    Thanks for all the great recipes that you post.

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