December Scripture Writing Plan

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Special thanks to fellow blogger, Sweet Blessings, for allowing me to share this wonderful work she created!

A few nights ago I happened upon the most amazing graphic on Facebook, a Scripture Writing Plan! I don’t know about y’all, but I have such good intentions of getting deeper into the Word and still it seems more and more difficult to quiet my mind each morning and evening when that time comes. I’ve found that not just reading, but writing the word of God helps to draw my focus in a much deeper and more meaningful way, so seeing this scripture writing plan was like striking gold.

I contacted the creator of it, who is one of the kindest ladies you could ever hope to speak with, and asked her if there was a way I could share it with my readers. She immediately responded back with copies of the chart and told me I was welcome to post it here on SouthernPlate. She also said she’d send me the future months so that I can post those here, too!

Please take an opportunity to go visit her wonderful blog, Sweet Blessings, and leave a comment to say “Thank you” to Shannon. I know you’ll enjoy her blog as well so make sure you add it to your regular reading list because it is one of those you could get lost for hours in and still wake the next day wanting to read more!

To print this month’s plan, click on the image (English or Spanish) and it will open in a new window in a printer friendly version.





Images are generously offered courtesy of their creator, Shannon, at SwtBlessings. Please support her by visiting her blog. 

Follow along with me as I share photos from time to time this month of my daily scripture writing on my instagram by clicking here. 

A portion of this morning's scripture...


  1. Thanks so much! This awesome, will visit her blog as well. Love to journal and this is an excellent idea. Passing this along to my family also : )) Thanks! God bless & Merry CHRISTmas!

  2. Thank you, and I hope the good Lord continues to bless you. We have so much to be thankful for:(1) we have a bible, (2) we can read it anytime without fear, (3) we share the love.


  3. What a wonderful idea! I am trying to think of ways to get deeper into the word and this came up.

    Thank you for the blessing! Its a God-send

  4. I like this. Thanks for sharing and yes, I will check out her site. I started back this summer just going through and copying all of my favorite verses underlined in my Bible. I ordered me a cute journal for it. I even added lyrics to hymns to this journal. I love writing the Scriptures. Really does help to focus. I am going to add this to my plan.

  5. I love this December Scripture plan, Christy! Thanks so much for reminding us, the reason for the season! God Bless!

  6. I love this idea, and, like you, find it hard to concentrate sometimes in my Bible reading. Thanks so much for sharing. I have a new journal all ready for this!

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