Cook The Cover With Me! November 2025 Southern Living

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We just passed the 30,000 mark on Facebook! If you’re an active member of our Facebook page, leave a comment below to be entered to win an autographed copy of my cookbook.

If you’re not an active member on Facebook, go ahead and leave a comment below and then join our Facebook page to be entered. Be sure you “like” a post or leave a comment on our Facebook page so you’re counted as active!

Contest closes at midnight Saturday night, October 29th at midnight. Winner announced Monday on Facebook. 

Don’t you just love seeing the gorgeous food on the cover of each issue of Southern Living? Today I thought it might be fun if you join me in my kitchen while I cook the cover!

Note: I cut the cooking time by about ten minutes when I baked it in a 9×13 pan instead of the suggested springform pan. 


For this recipe, pick up a copy of the November 2011 issue of Southern Living or visit them online at (click here to go directly to the recipe).

But I *really* think you should get a copy because there are 103 recipes in this issue alone!



“If we magnified blessings as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be much happier.”

– John Wooden

Thank you, Jenny!

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  1. Oh my gollies, how I look forward to your recipes and your delightful notes leading up to the recipe!!! I just marvel at your time management~you do SOOOO much and you do it ALL SO WELL!!! You always have time for your children, your husband, your Mama, your work, AND US!!! Thank you!!! Smiles are contagious and THANK GOODNESS you have contaminated us all!!! Thanks for all you do~love you!! dixie

  2. Christy,
    I love you, your cookbook and your entire site! If it hadn’t been for you and your buttermilk biscuit recipe I would still be making hockey pucks. LOL. After doing your recipe several times my executive chef hubby even had to admit they pass inspection. Hoping to win your cookbook or at least get it from hubby for Christmas. We love you, bless you and keep up the good work!

  3. Love your recipes and your “down to earth make us all feel like we can make your recipes” way of explaining each recipe.

  4. Congratulations Christy! I’ve always enjoyed your website. Now I’ll have to subscribe to Southern Living also!

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