Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe (Y’All, They’re So Good)

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Filled with tender and juicy chicken and lots of yummy vegetables, this easy chicken lettuce wraps recipe is filling, delicious, and way cheaper than the takeout version. Your family will love it!

chicken lettuce wraps closeup

Alright, so I’ll admit right off the bat that this chicken lettuce wraps recipe isn’t exactly Southern, which is why I added a “y’all” on the end of this post title. That just made it look like it fit better on Southern Plate, didn’t it? I knew you’d agree.

Be careful, they’re addictive!

I’ve developed a raving addiction to these easy chicken lettuce wraps. You see, Ricky and I don’t get to go out much. We’ve actually been out twice without the kids in the past four or five years. What we do instead is pick a night each week and eat a very light supper, then after we send the kids to bed one of us (he usually draws the short straw here) goes to get takeout for our dinner. A Chinese restaurant is very near us and chicken lettuce wraps are one of their signature dishes. This is one of those things that didn’t sound too appealing to me at first but my mother kept insisting that I try them and once I did, I was about as hooked on that as I was the first time I tried poutine.

However, shelling out the money for them on a regular basis got old quickly and last night I just up and decided that I could make these little suckers myself. Never stand in the way of a woman when she “up and decides” to do something. I looked up several recipes online and they all seemed far too complicated for what I felt should be a simple recipe so I just set out to wing it on my own.

We found the finished product to be every bit as good, a little more filling, and a WHOLE lot cheaper than the restaurant version. The perfect main dish, they easily made enough for four people.

Ingredients for chicken lettuce wraps recipe.

Recipe Ingredients

  • Chicken breast
  • Rice sticks
  • Soy sauce
  • Water chestnut can
  • Brown sugar
  • Mushrooms
  • Green onion
  • Head of lettuce

How To Make My Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe

Cook chicken in skillet.

Place a tablespoon of oil in a skillet (sesame oil works great in Asian dishes) and add your chicken breast. Cook on medium heat, stirring often until cooked through.

I am using 3 boneless skinless breasts, but this is an excellent recipe to use leftover chicken, whether that’s chicken thigh or rotisserie chicken. I’d also keep it in mind for turkey leftovers as well!

Chop up green onion, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and cooked chicken.

Chop up cooked chicken, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and green onion.

Combine soy sauce and brown sugar and mix well.

Add about 3 tablespoons of soy sauce to the brown sugar and stir that up well.

Add all ingredients back into skillet.

Place all of the chopped ingredients back in the skillet that you cooked your chicken in.

Add sauce to skillet.

Then add the sauce. Stir and cook over medium heat just until heated through.

Cook the rice sticks.

Cooking the Rice Sticks

Place about an inch or two of oil into a small pot. Heat on medium heat for several minutes before using.  Check out the video in the recipe card below to see how the rice sticks puff out. 

Break off some rice noodles, make sure they are small enough that they will fit entirely in your pot. You don’t want any part not going into the oil on the first batch because it won’t cook.

As soon as you put them in they will bubble and then PUFF up like this. Remove them carefully to a paper towel-lined plate.

Head of lettuce to make chicken lettuce wraps.

This post is just filled with neat tricks! See this head of lettuce with the stem in the middle?

Hit lettuce on counter to remove the stem.

Tip to Get the Perfect Lettuce Wrap

Turn that head of lettuce over and get a good hold of it and hit it on the counter really hard, right on that stem and it will just pop right out!

Place chicken into lettuce wraps.

Place the chicken mixture on each lettuce leaf and sprinkle the crispy rice noodles on the top.

chicken lettuce wraps recipe

Fold up your lettuce cup and eat it like a taco. This recipe makes enough chicken lettuce wraps for four people to have a couple each.



If you have leftover chicken and vegetables, store them in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. You’ll want to store the lettuce leaves separately, as they’ll get soggy quickly.

Recipe Notes

  • Traditionally, Asian chicken lettuce wraps are made using ground chicken, so you can definitely substitute the chicken breast for ground chicken or turkey too if you prefer.
  • If your kids aren’t into lettuce tacos, you can easily serve the chicken and vegetables over rice noodles or rice instead.
  • If you want to add more vegetables to your chicken lettuce wrap recipe, add in a cup of finely chopped bell pepper.
  • For some heat, add 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper flakes or serve with sriracha.
  • If you’re a fan of cilantro, feel free to sprinkle some chopped cilantro on top of these healthy chicken lettuce wraps before serving.
  • Try coconut amino as a gluten-free and soy-free alternative to soy sauce.

Recipe FAQs

Where can I find rice sticks?

Rice sticks aren’t nearly as hard to find these days as they used to be. I just picked these up at the grocery store in the Asian foods section. These add a lot of “coolness” to the recipe if you let your kids watch you cook them. Okay, so I think they’re pretty cool, too!

What lettuce is best for lettuce wraps?

 I recommend using butter lettuce, iceberg lettuce, or romaine lettuce. 

chicken lettuce wraps recipe

Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Filled with tender chicken and vegetables, this chicken lettuce wraps recipe is easy, filling, delicious, and cheaper than the takeout version.
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: chicken
Servings: 4
Calories: 164kcal


  • 3 boneless skinless chicken breasts can substitute for leftover chicken or turkey - about three cups
  • 3 green onions
  • 8 oz water chestnuts small can
  • 1 cup mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • rice sticks and oil to cook them in
  • head of lettuce to serve them in


  • In a large skillet, heat one tablespoon of oil over medium heat. Add chicken, cut into pieces, and cook while stirring until cooked through. While chicken is cooking, finely dice mushrooms, water chestnuts, and green onions. Remove chicken from heat after it is done and dice.
    3 boneless skinless chicken breasts, 8 oz water chestnuts, 1 cup mushrooms, 3 green onions
  • Combine the soy sauce and brown sugar, stir well. Add chicken, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and green onions back to the skillet. Stir in the sauce. Cook and stir over medium heat until heated through.
    3 boneless skinless chicken breasts, 3 green onions, 8 oz water chestnuts, 1 cup mushrooms, 2 tbsp brown sugar, 3 tbsp soy sauce
  • For the rice sticks, place one to two inches of oil in a small saucepot. Heat over medium heat for several minutes. Break off a handful of rice noodles and drop them into the pot, immediately removing them to a paper towel-lined plate when they puff up.
    rice sticks
  • Serve chicken mixture in the lettuce leaves, topped with crunchy rice noodles. Eat like a taco. Repeat as necessary.
    head of lettuce



Calories: 164kcal | Carbohydrates: 15g | Protein: 21g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 54mg | Sodium: 861mg | Potassium: 518mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 8g | Vitamin A: 115IU | Vitamin C: 4mg | Calcium: 21mg | Iron: 1mg
Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!

You may also like these chicken recipes:

AMAZING EASY Crock Pot Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Oven Chicken Kabobs

Cheesy Chicken And Rice Crock Pot Version

Grilled Chicken Tenderloins- No Grill Needed!

Sometimes joy is the source of a smile-

sometimes your smile is the source of joy.

Submitted by Elaine. Submit yours by clicking here (and fuel up on a little encouragement while you’re at it!).

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  1. The video of the Rice Sticks is AWESOME! Hahaha, I can’t believe how much I really want to try this recipe just to see them do that “puff!” thing. Of course the rave reviews help too. 😉

  2. What a wonderful find of a website! As a stay at home father who works in the evening I have made several of your recipes such as the ground beef stew, the deep dish pizza which I am about to enjoy for the second time around, and the chicken and dumplings recipe. All of these recipes have been outstanding and I love your personality / outlook on life that you share with us all. I was cooking a deep dish pizza and looked at your lettuce wrap addition and was prompted to reply after reading what Jan Albrecht said in her reply posting.

    I would say simply that you are a wonderful blessing to us all and don’t change a thing with your style or who you are.

    Mrs. Jan I sincerely hope that one day you will be more understanding and loving to all of God’s children no matter their dialect.

    God Bless you Christy for your top notch website and outlook on life! Thanks a bunch for the wonderful recipes and stories that go with them!


  3. Christy,

    Love this website. Love all the yummy recipes, and I love the Bountiful Basket that arrived today!! What a beautiful basket. LOVE IT!

    Thanks and God bless you,

  4. Thanks for using my comment and regarding the rude comment -just ignore it as “we all love it”. I adore your southern speak and it is funny that as I am reading it I always am hearing that in my own rendition of southern if that makes any sense.I could not think how to effectively put that into words. I make it much more pronounced in my head than it really is because when I watch your TV videos I was surprised to hear that you weren’t how I imagined. The wraps look great and eliminate a lot of fat and carbs. Chinese is my favorite eating out choice because it is different from the things I cook. I think I have heard the rice sticks called cellophane noodles for obvious reasons.Wishing everyone here a great weekend.

    1. Yes, we love you the way you are, Christy! Grins and hugs back atcha always! You always make my day and I am constantly clicking back on my favorite bookmarks to get to your tutorials and recipes for yet another informative or yummy lesson! Thanks for all you do and say because you know we love you for who and what you are! Thanks for enjoying life and for including us!

  5. Christy,

    These sound wonderful! There was a Asain restaurant near us and I used to always get the lettuce wraps, but it closed. I am so glad to have a recipe!


    PS: Don’t lose sleep over the few who don’t like your site. Focus on all of us that you bless with your wisdom and great recipes!

  6. These wraps sound so delish!
    BUT—We have a mushroom allergy here. Could I substatute(sp?)something for them? Maybe bread crumbs?
    Peggy Lee

    1. Hey Peggy!
      you know, I’d just do a little more chicken OR, I was thinking grated carrots would be really good, too!
      Yumm. I’m definitely adding carrots next time!
      Christy 🙂

      1. oooh! I was so going to ask you if you thought grated carrots would be a good addition!! We are having these tonight, and I just wanted to veggie them up a wee bit more. 🙂

  7. Hi Christy,Pumpkin Crumb Cake – YUMMM!is an understatement what a lovely cake, I made it tonight after I finished work, and I do not think I an having any tea to night as I could not wait for it to cool down, so I had it with some custard. We do not have canned punpkin here is Australia so I used 2 cups of home grown pumkin and it was great….I love your site, and have made other’s and they translate realy well…Thanks for energy and keep it up

    1. Hey Denny!
      Thank YOU for your kindness!! I’m so excited that you got to try the Pumpkin cake, I just love that stuff to the point of potentially banning it in my house because I can’t stop eating it!

      I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and taking the time to report back!
      Christy 🙂

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