100 Reasons Why I’m Not A Cowgirl – August 15

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I have a lot of topics to cover in this journal entry, so I’ll just dive right in.


Good things about having broke legs: 

There are advantages and disadvantages to every situation so today I thought I’d share with you the plus side of having two broke legs.


1. When the kids ask if I will get something for them that they are perfectly capable of getting themselves “I’m sorry honey, but both my legs are broke, you’re gonna have to do that.” 

That line never gets old and is just as fun when you say it the 100th time as it was the first! 


2. School is in session and we are getting 50,000 emails from the school talking about parent work days and needing volunteers for this or that. Normally, I do enjoy helping whenever I can and can’t help but feel guilty when I can’t but no guilt now because:
“I’m sorry, but both my legs are broke…” 
Again, never gets old. 


3. By not wearing them. I am adding at least two months life to every pair of shoes I own. 


4. No one expects me to get up. For anything. 


5. No more guilt-induced synchronized swimming competitions. “My legs are broke.” ~This was submitted by my friend, Josh Miller.


Got any more to add? Put ’em in the comments! Josh also added “Never have to shave legs” but I told him that didn’t apply to me because  am a firm believer in setting personal standards and keeping to them, regardless of whether or not others ever notice. Who you are when no one is looking is who you truly are. Broken bones are no exemption 🙂 



Scenes from August 14th… 

Yesterday just about got the best of me. You see, I didn’t realize until this accident how often I go outside during the day. Not for very long periods of time or anything, but several times throughout the day I step away from my computer and walk out onto the back porch to look up at the trees and sky and just breathe a bit. It is a way of clearing my head in one sense, but mostly, it is to remind me of how small I am in comparison to it all.

Inside our houses, inside our offices, our problems and the responsibilities of our lives become skewed in proportion.They grow and expand and we forget that we are all just children when it comes to this world and we get to feeling as if we are responsible for the whole kingdom.

When we go outside and stand beneath the massive sky and trees, looking up at Heaven and surrounded by God, everything comes back in perspective.

The world slows down, problems shrink and we can see how very small we are in contrast to it all – and remember how very much God loves us in the midst of it all.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 

Matthew 11:28

I can still go to God, of course, I just have a habit of getting out of my creation and into His creation several times a day when I do that.

But I can’t do that right now. I can’t get outside on my own because each door has a deep drop that my wheelchair can’t navigate without pitching me out of it and I have the foresight to see that would not be a good  situation. 🙂

So yesterday, the lack of sunshine began to get to me.

And make me itch.

And make the walls feel as if they were closing in like that really weird scene in that one Star Wars movie my brother made me watch back when I was young enough that I felt compelled to do whatever he told me to. You know that trash compactor one with that Luke guy and the big hairy guy who yelled all the time like a grumpy man first thing in the morning? Yeah, that one. If you didn’t see it, you’re probably fine. No worries.

So when my son got home from school, I had him put a chair out on the back deck and I wheeled my chair into the doorway and stretched my legs out to rest them on the chair – outside.


This is what that looked like. Ignore the messy deck. I would clean it right now but my legs are broke. 

(Mentally add that as #6 to the list above : Can excuse mess in any photo taken in or around home.)

The rest of me couldn’t go but I sat there in that doorway and breathed in the warm air and looked up at that beautiful sky,framed perfectly by my green trees and I absolutely reveled in it. It was heaven.

Check out my view…



See why this is a retreat for me? Isn’t it beautiful?

After sitting out there for a bit, I texted my husband and told him I was going stir crazy. 🙂

He told me last week that he knew it would get the best of me and he said anytime I needed to get out of the house to just let him know and he’d make it happen.

So when he came home, we had a delicious supper sent by a friend and then we headed to Wal-Mart.

*Note, I always get comments from the folks who have ill feelings towards Wal-Mart whenever I mention them and I get that, I understand your personal conviction and I am a big supporter of personal convictions. But I respectfully ask you to keep them personal right now. Thanks ~winks~ 

He wheeled me through the grocery aisle as I held one of those blue baskets on my lap and filled it with fruit treats for the kids, a roast for this weekend, potatoes to go with the roast, and blueberries for me. I then added lipstick and a big bottle of Jergens Original Scent lotion (Do you remember that wonderful smell?).

By the time we checked out it was after 7:00 at night! WOOHOO! It felt wonderful to have the fresh air and the car ride was heavenly. I really can’t tell you enough how much I enjoy the freedom of riding in a car right now and I can hardly wait to be able to drive my car again. I think driving is what I miss the most, really.

Anyway, here is a photo of me and Ricky as he wheeled me back to the car…


and here is a photo of my loot that I purchased just for myself on my little outing. Exciting life, huh?



And you know what? Today I am going to attempt to eat every blessed one of those little blueberries all by myself. It’s good to have goals…



A friend made this for me and I LOVE IT!
Later on today I’ll upload it to my Facebook page so you can download it and print it if you like! 
If you or your children color it please make my day and post a photo on my Facebook Page!! 

Well folks, that is all for today. As usual, I find my blessings are coming in by the truckload and at this point I can honestly say that this is becoming one of the richest experiences of my life.

A strange thing happens when you look for the good in a situation…. you find it.

My cup overflows with joy and that joy was not put there by man.


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28


To read the beginning of this series,

please click here. 




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  1. Christy, I can’t think of the correct words to let you know how inspired I am feeling reading your posts. I don’t want to be that person who just sits down and let’s life move on around me just because I am tired or nervous. I have a gym membership I am not using and you have encouraged me to start using it again. You would if you possibly could. I will use it with a smile on my face for you. And I live in South Carolina but want you to know if you are going to be anywhere in the surrounding states, me and my grown girls, who are my 3 best friends will come with me and we will travel as far as we can to see you and get the book signed. Thanks so much for the encouragement. If you can do what you do every day just to drink a cup of coffee, then I can hit the gym! Thanks for the motivation!

  2. Christy, you are so cool!!!! I love it that someone besides me thinks its great fun to go to Walmart for lotion and groceries!! It makes me so happy to read that Jergens Lotion is special to so many people…..it’s what my mother used and now I am passing the tradition on to my daughter. None of that Bath and Body Works stuff for us! Thank you for appreciating the simple things in life. Get will soon.:)

  3. Hi Christy! I so enjoy your recipes and your joyful words! So sorry that you are having a rough time this summer! I have a son (19 years old) He has been in a wheelchair since he was 3. Most people never know how hard it is to get around until someone in their family has to use one! Your attitude is such an inspiration! Get out every chance that you can:-) I love the original Jergens! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  4. Well, one benefit I can think of for US is that you get to “visit” with us more, and we get to read more great posts from you!

    1. Wow – it cut off the rest of my post. LOL!
      I was saying how I’ve been reading your blog since nearly the beginning and you just have a gift with words. I love the food posts, but I love just about anything you share!

  5. Enjoy reading your journey to recovery. How blessed you are to have your family and good friends preparing meals for you I know how you can appreciate this, I am sure you are seeing it as a luxury for now. I have been there not for same reason but due to heart surgery and my friends saw to it that I did not have to prepare suppers for a whole month after I returned home from my 5 by-pass they were a blessing to us. God is good in his own way. Christy your faith will make you whole you have such a beautiful outlook on life. Be strong surrender to God He understands your present needs. God Bless and Keep you. hugs lm

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