10 Great Leftover Turkey Recipes!
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Waste not, want not. Those words hold more truth than ever right after our Thanksgiving feasts. Hopefully, you are fortunate enough to have had a turkey at your house and are blessed with leftovers. What to do with all of that turkey? Recycle it into delicious meals for your family, of course!
The very first thing I do is shred my turkey and place it in zipper sealed bags to freeze. If you have a little broth, put a tablespoon or so in each bag to ensure it stays nice and moist. I usually put about a cup and a half of shredded turkey per bag. That is a good amount for most casseroles and such and if you need more, simply get two bags from your freezer.
To help you use up those leftovers, here are ten Southern Plate recipes in which you simply exchange turkey for the chicken and you’re off to the races! Enjoy 🙂
Chicken And Dumplings
Hot Chicken Salad
Chicken Noodle Soup
Easy Chicken Stew
Brunswick Chicken Casserole
Country Casserole
Cheesy Chicken and Corn Casserole
Crustless Chicken Pot Pie
Chicken Divan
Chicken Poulet
I can’t wait to make turkey n dumplings.
One of my favorites was always a Turkey, Stuffing and Cranberry Sandwich
I agree. Leftovers were as good as the original meal! But nothing beats the family, interactions, humor, and stories of Thanksgivings past.
I’m going to make turkey enchiladas (sp?) tonight with some of our leftovers. Figured I’d do them the same way as my chicken ones. I’ll let you know how they turn out.
-Lindsay and the wonder twins
Only problem is we never have much turkey left over. My family loves roast turkey.
oh yay!! i just put 80 pounds of chicken in my freezer, so these recipes will save me! 🙂
I have a great recipe for leftover turkey called “turkey pot pie soup” on my blog. It even uses the leftover stuffing!
Thanks for the Turkey recipes!
I made your Chocolate Pecan Pie for Turkey day….Oh law’! It was delishous! My family loved it. And said…. They wanted them for Christmas…thanks for all you do!